




1.第五天 第四天 the fouth day 第五天 the fifth day 第十二天 the twelfth day ...

2.第五日 ... 神的创造 第六日 the sixth day 神的创造 第五日 the fifth day 神的创造 第四日 the fourth day ...

3.冬令营第五天 ——The Third Day—— 已经在家里待了三天了。 渐渐能感觉到一恕 ——The Fifth Day—— 已经是第五天了。 朴侦探那边 …

5.日月星辰 ... (陆与海) (陆与海) The fourth day:God said, (日月星辰) 日月星辰) The fifth day:God said,“Let th…


1.Finally, on the fifth day, Aron reapzed he had no other choice: to free himself, he would have to cut off his own hand.最后,在第五天,阿隆意识到他已经没有其他的选择:是解脱了自己,他就会切断自己的手。

2.The fifth day, the men did not come, she found him to his bed in his sleep?第五天,男人没来,她在他的床上找到了他,他在睡觉吗?

3.This would be a week before Duanwu, the Dragon Boat Festival, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.这是以往在端午节前一周常常出现的场景。农历五月初五为端午节,又叫龙舟节。

4.On the Fifth day, God again surveyed all that He had done, and was filled with joy.第五日,神又满心欢喜的视察他的杰作。

5.'In the afternoon of the fifth day I went half mad; at least, that's how it seems to me now.第五天下午,我已经半疯了,至少现在觉得是那样。

6.Peru and Bopvia are the tarns and fells of the Alto Plano, snowy peaks and the fifth day of a miners' picket that had closed the highway.秘鲁和哥伦比亚有很多高地上的湖泊和瀑布,还有白雪皑皑的山峰。矿工们的罢工已经是第五天了,他们的纠察封闭了公路。

7.On the fifth day after the letter arrived, Susan began to feel queasy, and the bright haze became even more painful.在收到信之后的第五天,苏珊开始感到恶心,而且那种刺眼的阴霾变得令人更加痛苦。

8.Thursday is the fifth day of a week.星期四是一周的第五天。

9.The fifth day of a week is Thursday.一周的第五天为星期四。

10.On the morning of the fifth day, when he rose to go, the girl's father said, "Refresh yourself. Wait till afternoon! "到第五天,他清早起来要走,女子的父亲说:“请你吃点饭,加添心力,等到日头偏西再走。”