



美式发音: [ˈsoʊdə] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊdə]






n.1.club soda2.soda pop

1.碳酸饮料 果蔬汁 Juice 碳酸饮料 Sodas 混合饮料 Mixed Drinks ...

2.关于碳酸饮料 foopest foopestn. 脚凳 sodas n. 苏打, 碳酸水 lower adj. 较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的 ...

4.碳酸饮料类 果蔬汁类 Juice 碳酸饮料类 Sodas 混合饮料类 Mixed Drinks ...

5.SERVICE-ORIENTED DEVICE ARRANGEMENT SYSTEM foopest foopestn. 脚凳 sodas n. 苏打, 碳酸水 lower adj. 较低的, 下级的, 下等的, 下游的 ...

7.苏打水 Beer / 啤酒 Sodas / 苏打水 Ketchup / 蕃茄酱 ...

8.苏打汽水 ... confiserie 糖果 sodas 苏打汽水 produits laitiers frais:56% 鲜奶产品 ...


1.Mark Peterson set down chips and sodas on the tables as he prepared for what should have been a routine church get-together.马克.皮特森先生像往常的午餐聚会一样在桌子上摆放了薯片和汽水。

2.Get rid of all the juices, the sodas, and the sports drinks. Liquid sugar is the last thing you need when you are pying to lose fat.戒掉所有的果汁,苏打水,和运动员饮料。如果你在试图减肥,那么饮料糖份是你最坏的食物。

3.It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas.瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。

4.Remember that it's easy to get dehydrated so stock up with lots of sodas in the ice-box.记住,冰袋里装多些苏打水,人很容易脱水的。

5.Say, Bill, how about coming back to my room after class? I'll get a couple of cold sodas and we'll shoot the breeze for a while.这个学生说:“喂,比尔,上完课妳到我宿舍去吧.我去买两瓶汽水,咱们聊回儿天,怎麽样?”

6.For hyperactivity, there was a direct pnear relationship - the more sodas a teen drank, the most symptoms of hyperactivity he or she had.就多动症而言,有直接的线性关系——她(或他)喝得越多苏打水,他或她的多动症越强烈。

7.Check the ingredients on different sodas to see if you can find ones without caffeine or potassium .检查一下不同汽水的成分,看看你是否能找到不含咖啡因或钾的汽水。

8.This time we're going to take you to the Minsk Soft Drinks Factory which produces juices, sodas and other soft drinks.现在就让我们带你到明斯克一家生产果汁、苏打水和其它软饮料的工产来看一看。

9.THE BOTTOM LINE There is good evidence that cola beverages can increase the risk of kidney problems, more so than non cola sodas.这是很好的证据说明可乐饮料比其他非可乐苏打饮品更能够增加肾脏问题的风险。

10.Drink water or other sugar-free drinks to quench your thirst and stay away from sugary juices and sodas.口渴的时候喝水或者无糖饮料吧,远离含糖的饮料和果汁。