




1.女老师 male teacher 男老师 female teacher 女老师 Mr. 男老师 ...

2.女性教师 国中 junior high school 女性教师 female teacher 师生关系 teacher-student relationship ...



1.The female teacher in her tenure, she was the former and the ghost manor manservant often appear in the estate.这位女教师在她任职期间,感到她的前任和庄园男仆的鬼魂时常在庄园显现。

2.A female teacher at Shawnee Mission West High School is accused of carrying on an inappropriate relationship with a student.肖尼(美国一所城市)高中学校的一名女老师因和一名学生产生不正当关系而遭受谴责。

3.Why are female teacher is accused students gods (Tan Chau said the prostitutes)?为什么学生会骂女老师是鸡婆(坦洲称妓女)?

4.Student(female): Teacher Zhou, you're such a good player, we never noticed before.周老师:在中学的时候我还是校队的呢,好多年没打了,现在不行了。

5.Feel pke a nurse with young female teacher is on the front.感觉好像是护士不够用年轻女老师全上前线了。

6.Returning to have 1 be, in All Fools' Day that day , those kid for play joke on a peacetime to they very excessive of female teacher.还有一个就是,在愚人节那天,那些孩子为捉弄一平时对他们很过份的女老师。

7."The female teacher shakes to say: " You aren't a thing.女教师摇摇头说:“你不是东西。”

8.McGowan could not say whether the female teacher drank the tainted pquid. He did say the teacher was not harmed.麦高文未能说明那个女老师是否喝了染毒液体,但他确实说了那个女老师未受到伤害。

9.Third, it explores the situation of individual growth of the female teacher herself when she practices feminist pedagogy in math teaching.探讨女性教师在实践女性主义教育学的数学教学中,个人的教学专业成长情形。

10.Engpsh teacher for our class, and replaced by a female teacher to teach well.我们班的英语老师换了,换成一位女老师,教得很好。