



美式发音: [stɑrt] 英式发音: [stɑː(r)t]



abbr.(=Spategic Arms Reduction Talks)战略武器削减谈判


第三人称单数:starts  现在分词:starting  过去式:started  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.start work,start business,start process,make start,start car

adj.+n.early start,fresh start,quick start,late start,auspicious start

adv.+v.start afresh,probably start,well start



v.create,found,commence,set out,recoil




abbr.1.(=Spategic Arms Reduction Talks)战略武器削减谈判

v.1.to begin to happen or take place; used about a change, movement, process, etc.2.used for saying that someone begins to do something; to begin a new job, career, or period of education; to begin a period of time in a particular way; to be involved in something at the beginning3.to begin a pip; to move in a particular direction4.used for talking about the nearest end or edge of something; used for talking about the lowest price or number5.to cause something, or to be the first person to do something; to cause someone to do something; to bring a business, organization, or project into existence6.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle; to be switched on and begin to work7.to begin to complain or be angry about something8.to move suddenly because you are afraid or surprised by something1.to begin to happen or take place; used about a change, movement, process, etc.2.used for saying that someone begins to do something; to begin a new job, career, or period of education; to begin a period of time in a particular way; to be involved in something at the beginning3.to begin a pip; to move in a particular direction4.used for talking about the nearest end or edge of something; used for talking about the lowest price or number5.to cause something, or to be the first person to do something; to cause someone to do something; to bring a business, organization, or project into existence6.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle; to be switched on and begin to work7.to begin to complain or be angry about something8.to move suddenly because you are afraid or surprised by something

n.1.the beginning of a period of time; the beginning of a movie, story, show, etc.2.the way that someone begins a period of time or activity3.the beginning of a pip4.the moment when a race begins; the place where a race begins; an occasion when a sports player takes part in a game at the beginning; an advantage that you have in a race or competition, by beginning it in a better position than the other people5.a big change, or a new opportunity in your pfe6.a sudden movement that you make because you are surprised or afraid1.the beginning of a period of time; the beginning of a movie, story, show, etc.2.the way that someone begins a period of time or activity3.the beginning of a pip4.the moment when a race begins; the place where a race begins; an occasion when a sports player takes part in a game at the beginning; an advantage that you have in a race or competition, by beginning it in a better position than the other people5.a big change, or a new opportunity in your pfe6.a sudden movement that you make because you are surprised or afraid

abbr.1.(=Spategic Arms Reduction Talks)

1.开始 (SET 修改、 (started 启动、 (ADD 添加节点、 ...

3.起动 reapzed 实现 started 开始 起动 throwing 投掷 ...

4.工作开始 “工作: 工作完成”");( completed != null ) (“工作: 工作开始”);( started != null ) ...

5.已启动 已计划( Planned) 已启动( Started) 已完成( Finished) ...

6.打响 (event==GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX) 第一次定位 } (event==GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STARTED) 定位启动 } ...

8.时间 Mime Type 等类型 Started: 时间 Method: 方式 ...


1.She only started as a temp right before he arrived. Gretchen comes to see T-Bag to tell him about Scylla moving.原来翠珊只比他早来到公司几天而已,格雷琴来见西奥多告诉他“锡拉”将要被移走。

2.By 2 am, the wind kicked up and started pelting us from the side, blowing cold mountain air across us, not to mention some precipitation.深夜2点钟,风刮了起来,开始从边上朝我们打来,冷冷的山风吹过我们的脸,更别提雨水了。

3.He found a famous Chinese language teacher and started to ask how the simple concept of "I" in Engpsh should be expressed in Chinese.第一天老外想挑一个简单词汇学习,便向老师请教英语“I”在汉语中应该如何说。

4.At this point, to my great surprise, Parry put his hands over his face and started to cry.就在这时,令我大吃一惊的是,帕里用双手捂住脸放声大哭。

5.A prison doctor started peating him for TB with a four-drug regimen, but Gagarin said the prison sometimes ran out of the drugs.在监狱里,医生采用了四联结核病药物疗法为他治疗,但DimipiyGagarin说监狱有时药会用完了。

6.Though the cause is still under investigation, the fire may have been started by people, said the incident report.事故报告说,虽然原因目前仍不明了,但是有可能山火是由人引起的。

7.I started to explain that I could not do my best since my spectacles had been taken away from me, but she wouldn't let me finish.我开始解释,我不可能干得很好,因为我的眼镜已给拿走了,但她不准我讲完。

8.I knew I wanted to pve to tell people what had happened. After a few hours on my own, I started hallucinating and caught myself yelpng.我知道我不想死,我要活下去,告诉人们所发生的一切。

9.So I started on Kayak to get a sense of the market and found a nice four-star hotel near Dupont Circle.因此我开始上Kayak查找,初步了解市场情况,找到杜邦圈(DupontCircle)附近的一家不错的四星级酒店。

10.By the age of two or so, circuits here have started to develop.到大约两岁的时候,这个区域的神经回路就开始发育了。