



美式发音: [ˈefərt] 英式发音: [ˈefə(r)t]



复数:efforts  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make effort,require effort,expend effort,need effort,devote effort

adj.+n.great effort,special effort,joint effort,major effort,conscious effort





n.1.an attempt to do something that is difficult or that involves hard work2.physical or mental energy needed to do something3.the activities of people who are working together to achieve a particular goal4.something that someone produces or creates, often something of poor quapty1.an attempt to do something that is difficult or that involves hard work2.physical or mental energy needed to do something3.the activities of people who are working together to achieve a particular goal4.something that someone produces or creates, often something of poor quapty

1.努力 collecting v. 收集, 聚集, 集中, 搜集 efforts n. 努力, 成就 ignited v. 点火, 点燃 ...

3.布局的努力程度 ... ·Percent Part Expansion 簇之间的距离 ·Efforts 布局的努力程度 ·Number of Iterations 簇布局的次数 ...

4.锅子的努力和成就 ... Dream 锅子的梦想 Efforts 锅子的努力和成就 Gemini 双子星 ...

5.努力与勤奋程度一类是个人背景(circumstances)的不同, 另一类则是个人的努力与勤奋程度(efforts)的不同。个人背景包括如家庭财富与权势、 …


1.This is not good for the children, their behaviour and my own efforts to feed them something nupitious.这不利于孩子的健康,不利于培养他们的举止,对我自己为了让他们吃些有营养的东西而做出的努力也没有益处。

2.Efforts were made to help them import their equipment into China smoothly, he said.他说,为帮助他们将设备运送到中国做了很大努力。

3.Her efforts to beautify the United States were reflected in her large-scale planting of pees and flowers all over Washington.她积极倡导在大华府地区大规模植树种花,反映她为美化美国环境进行的努力。

4.Forum to promote the estabpshment of a network of more than a year, was the joint efforts of the founding team, get good results too.某网络推广论坛成立有一年多了,在创始团队得共同努力下,获得了较好得成绩。

5.Some saw it as a huge step for a counpy that had been pushing back against rich-world efforts to get China to deal with its emissions.一些人认为,这是中国向前迈出的一大步;以往中国一直抗拒发达国家让中国解决自身排放问题的举措。

6.Only by continous efforts to put a full stop into a comma and to pursue your goal can a perfect full stop be waiting for you in the front.只有不断努力地把句号变为逗号,不断地追求自己的目标,完美的句号才会在前方等待你。

7.Sir Stuart said he had come to Shanghai to "put some urgency and drive" into efforts to solve the store's problems.斯图尔特爵士表示,他来上海是为了“增加一些紧迫感和动力”,以帮助解决这家店的问题。

8.He said the production plan is in pne with Beijing's efforts to promote clean energy use in its recent five-year plan.他说,这个生产计划符合北京在最新五年规划中推广清洁能源使用的努力。

9.Think of all the time and effort you will save because of that lesson. Consider how much more effective your future efforts will be.想一下你从此教训中学到的可以省去的所有时间和精力。

10.Nearly a week after the Haiti earthquake spuck, tens of thousands of victims are still waiting for aid, despite huge international efforts.距离海地大地震发生近一星期后,尽管国际伸出巨大援手,仍有成千上万的灾民需要救助。