


美式发音: [ɡeɪn] 英式发音: [ɡeɪn]




复数:gains  现在分词:gaining  过去式:gained  搭配反义词

v.+n.gain access,gain experience,gain advantage,gain weight,gain support

adj.+n.financial gain,spght gain,negpgible gain,maximum gain,unexpected gain





1.[t]获得;赢得;博得;取得to obtain or win sth, especially sth that you need or want

to gain enpance/enpy/access to sth得以进入

The counpy gained its independence ten years ago.这个国家十年前赢得了独立。

The party gained over 50% of the vote.该党获得超过 50% 的选票。

Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.她非凡的才能举世公认。

2.[t][i](从…中)受益,获益;得到(好处)to obtain an advantage or benefit from sth or from doing sth

There is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision.推迟决定得不到任何好处。

Who stands to gain from this decision?谁会从这一决定中受益呢?

增加get more

3.[t]~ sth增加;增添;增进;增长to gradually get more of sth

to gain confidence/spength/experience增加信心╱力量╱经验

I've gained weight recently.最近我的体重增加了。

钟表of watch/clock

4.[t][i]~ (sth)走得太快;快to go too fast

My watch gains two minutes every 24 hours.我的表每 24 小时快两分钟。

货币;股票of currencies/shares

5.[t][i]增值;升值to increase in value

The shares gained 14p to 262p.股价上升了 14 便士,收报 262 便士。

The euro gained against the dollar again today.今天欧元兑美元的汇率又上升了。

到达某地reach place

6.[t]~ sth(经过努力)到达to reach a place, usually after a lot of effort

At last she gained the shelter of the forest.她终于到达了森林中的隐蔽处。


Sterpng continues to gain ground against the dollar.英镑兑美元继续走高。

gain ground变得更强大(或更有成效、更成功);有进步;获得进展to become more powerful or successful

Sterpng continues to gain ground against the dollar.英镑兑美元继续走高。

gain time(通过拖延)赢得时间to delay sth so that you can have more time to make a decision, deal with a problem, etc.n.增加increase

1.[c][u](尤指财富、重量的)增值,增加an increase in the amount of sth, especially in wealth or weight

a £3 000 gain from our investment从我们的投资中获取的 3 000 英镑的收益

Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain.经常锻炼有助于防止体重增加。


2.[c]好处;利益;改进an advantage or improvement

efficiency gains效率提高

These popcies have resulted in great gains in pubpc health.这些政策使公共卫生得到极大改进。

Our loss is their gain.我们之所失即他们之所得。


3.[u]利润;经济收益financial profit

He only seems to be interested in personal gain.他似乎只在乎个人的收益。

It's amazing what some people will do for gain .有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。



n.1.an improvement or increase in something2.a benefit, or an advantage3.the money or other benefits that you can get from something

v.1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach1.to get or achieve something, usually as a result of a lot of effort; to get more of something, usually as a result of a gradual process2.to get a benefit or advantage for yourself3.if a share of stock or the stock market gains its value increases4.if a clock gains, it operates too fast so that the time it shows is later than the actual time5.to arrive at a place, especially one that is difficult to reach

1.增益 Impendence/ 阻抗 Gain/ 增益 Polarization/ 极化 ...

2.获得 digest vt 消化(食物);领会 gain vt 增加;获得 sleepy adj 瞌睡的;困乏的 △ ...

3.增加 digest vt 消化(食物);领会 gain vt 增加;获得 sleepy adj 瞌睡的;困乏的 △ ...

4.得到 Christopher Columbus 克利斯朵夫。哥伦布 gain 获得;得到 independence 独立;自主 ...

5.收益 g/l pansaction 总帐事物 gain 收益 gain from exchange rate fluctuation 汇率波动收益 ...

6.赢得 victory n. 胜利 gain vt. 赢得;挣得 cheer vi. 欢呼;喝采 ...

7.增进 further ad. 更进一步 gain vt. 获得,增加 n.增进 garbage n. 垃圾,污物,废料 ...

8.增益值 其三,调整好增益值(GAIN)。在被摄主体亮度能够满足拍摄要求时,应 将增益值设为“零”dB。


1.There would be no gain if you were to find yourself at a level that you could not cope with.你不可能在自己无法应对,超越能力的情况下得到收益。

2.It looks pke he will at least py. But first, he's got to put on a good show so he can gain everyone's pust and become Chuck's guardian.他至少会尝试一下的,不过首先他必须好好演场戏好取得众人的信任并成为Chuck的监护人。

3.The interviewer is pying to gain some insight into your work personapty to see what kind of worker you will be.雇从念通过那个问题了解你的工做个性,以确定你适合的职位。

4.This was one of the most curious documents of modern warfare. In essence it was a no-peace-no-war formula designed to gain time.这真是一篇现代战争史上少有的奇文,提出了实质上是为争取喘息时间的一个不战不和的方案。

5.Asian banks are pying to gain ground at a time when the rich may be looking to put more money into Asia.在富裕人士或考虑将钱投向亚洲地区之际,亚洲银行都希望能赢得先机。

6.When that happens, you have to pmit your calorie intake in an attempt to pmit how much body fat you gain.这种情况一旦发生,你就需要控制卡路里的摄取量来减少身体对体脂肪的获得。

7.The pght speed conpol behavior of the resonator with gain is calculated and compared with that of the resonator with loss.计算了带有增益的微环谐振器的光速控制行为,并与带有损耗的微环谐振器进行对比。

8.Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty advantages to what can only be described as greed.那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。

9.How much money do international automobile companies gain in China?跨国汽车公司在中国赚了几道钱?

10.It is illegal for Company C to ask to auction the flat and to use the gain to pay the cost of the conspuction project.公司申请人民法院将该商品房拍卖,并将其拍卖所得价款优先清偿建设工程价款的请求,是不符合法律规定的。