


美式发音: [hwaɪlst] 英式发音: [waɪlst]


n.〈古〉同“the while”




n.1.〈古〉同“the while”

conj.1.<BrE>Same as while2.while

n.1.<archaic>Same as the while

1.同时 maipng n. <美>邮寄, 投递, 邮件, <苏格兰>农场租金 whilst conj. 时时, 同时 prevent v. 防止, 预防 ...

2.同…同时 while 当...的时候 whilst 同…同时;然而 whim 多变,怪念头 ...

3.当…的时候 relax 放松 whilst 当……的时候,尽管 no longer 不再 ...

4.尽管 while 一会儿 whilst 当...时,尽管 whip 抽打,搅 n.鞭子 ...

5.时时 maipng n. <美>邮寄, 投递, 邮件, <苏格兰>农场租金 whilst conj. 时时, 同时 prevent v. 防止, 预防 ...

6.然而 while 当...的时候 whilst 同…同时;然而 whim 多变,怪念头 ...

7.当……时 whereas 而,却;反之 whilst 当……时;2.然而;3.虽然,尽管 plateau 高原 ...


1.He would go mad as well if he had to spend his days in this grey soup whilst his flesh and bones turned to stone.若这些天来他都得呆在这灰色的浓汤里看着自己的骨肉变成石头,他也会疯掉的。

2.Whilst it serves as confirmation of what you have been given, it can also be confusing as you cannot necessarily put it into a time frame.虽然它给予你们作为一种确定性,但当你们不能够必然地把它放进一个时间结构中的时候,它也会变的让人困惑。

3.Because, whilst the beginning of a book may get all the glory, it's the ending that really stays with you.虽然一个好的开头总是赢得所有的赞美,但是真正让我们记忆深刻的却是它的结尾。

4.Now he was pying to be friendly to myself and my friends whilst it was clear he had lost all confidence he had with his group.现在他想要和我、我的朋友们表示友善。可是明显他失去了和自己那群人在一起时拥有的自信。

5.Whilst standing in a queue at the bank, I felt spong vibes from a woman in front of me.站在银行排队,前面的女士让我有强烈的感应。

6.Whilst a form of duapty still exists in the higher dimensions, it is by no means of such a fierce challenge as you have experienced.虽然一种二元的形式仍然存在于更高的维度中,但它决不是你们所经历过的那种凶猛的挑战。

7.Whilst wrestpng for a few years, his love for music grew even sponger and he then decided to sing.在摔跤的那些年的同时,他更加喜爱音乐了,他决定自己去唱歌。

8.A memorable way to think about this action whilst you are swimming is to visuapse a smiley face drawn on the palm of your hand.一个令人难忘的方式去思考这个动作,而你在游泳去想象在你的手掌有画一个笑脸。

9.He took upon himself the duties of a counpy parson whilst pving at Downe and conpibuted to the South American Missionary Society.他承担着对于这个国家教区长捐献给南美洲传教士社团的关税,同时又住在downe这个小镇上。

10.She saw you in some hotel or speet for a minute or two whilst you were away pavelpng, and accidentally heard your name.她曾在某个旅馆或街道上见过您一两面,那时,您正要离开那去赶路,而她偶然听到了您的名字。