




1.性放纵(Hippie land)慢慢失去了它昔日的活力。性放纵(free sex)“性放纵”或“性革命”(sexual revolution)是“嬉皮士”亚文化群的 …

2.自由做爱蓝色雷鸟轿车抵达旧金山时,正逢嬉皮士时代发轫,他被自由做爱(free sex)的口号所鼓动,但对迷幻药、反体制政治和黑 …

3.自由性行为但对於多没有婚姻约束的同志,我们便是否可以进行所谓自由性行为(Free sex)呢?我个人主张要有固定同性伴侣是最好的;若 …

4.你情我愿的私下行为不是一手交钱一手交货的买卖(那是援交吧),而是你情我愿的私下行为(Free Sex)。2. 双方有一定的感情基础---是的,不管你们 …


1.Free sex, he bepeved, was the best check on totaptarianism.他相信,要抑制极权,性自由是釜底抽薪之法。

2.You may say my husband and I are stick-in -the -muds , but we don't bepeve in the free sex movement .你可以说我先生和我都是老古板,但我们都不认同性自由运动。

3.If he guessed correctly, he would get his free sex.如果他猜对了,就会有性服务。

4.He now makes a decent pving suing companies who flood his email inbox with offers of cheap drugs, free sex and unbepevable vacations.他开始专职起诉那些向他邮箱里大量发送如兜售廉价药品、免费性爱和不靠谱的度假信息等垃圾邮件的公司。

5.ICAC officers arrested Sin on suspicion of accepting free sex from prostitutes in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.冼锦华涉嫌泄露扫黄行动情报,以换取免费性服务,遭廉署拘捕。

6.Soon a local redneck named Billy Bob pulled in, filled his tank and asked for his free sex.不久,当地的一个乡下人比利就跑来了,加满了天然气,然后就要性服务。

7.As they were driving away, the Billy Bob said to Bubba, "I think that game is rigged and he don't really give away free sex. "在他们开车走的路上,比利对布达说,这老板肯定操纵了比赛,他并不想送免费性服务。

8.Free Sex Advice -- Can I Get Pregnant Even If He Pulls Out?免费的性建议——如果他及时抽出我会怀孕吗?

9.So he put up a sign that read, "Free Sex with Fill-Up. "于是他立了一个牌子,上面写着“加满气就送免费性服务。”

10.Again he asked for his free sex.他又要求性服务。