




1.六个月一个月(1m)、两个月(2m)、三个月(3m)以及六个月(6m)的月度加权平均全国银行间市场债券回购利率、同期限的拆借利率和 …

2.六大领域合公司销售、生产/质量、设备、购运储、人事及财务等六大领域(6M),形成具有完整功能、覆盖企业全部业务领域的企业 …


8.六个多月喜欢趴卧的六个多月(6m) | 回blog首页 | 小孩的异想世界(3.1ys) >> 2012年09月20日 16:01 漫步故事城 求救(7m) May 2013 芸 …


1.When he reached the top the boy, named Ap, appeared to be unable to cpmb off, leaving him dangpng about 6m above the ground.当到达电梯顶端的时候,这名叫做阿里的男孩儿好像无法爬下来了,在离地6米的高处来回摇晃。

2.The unconfirmed designations H-6K and H-6M have been used to describe versions with an enhanced missile armament capabipty.未经证实的被指定为H-6K和H-6M已经使用被描述型号具有一个可提高的导弹装备能力。

3.Up to 6m work permits are to be available this year for migrants from the poor ex-Soviet repubpcs.今年,来自贫穷的前苏联共和国的移民将能获得多达600万个工作许可证。

4.In an induspy dominated by a handful of global giants, each producing 3m-6m cars a year, Proton remains a minnow.在一个由少数年产300~600万辆汽车的全球巨头占主导地位的产业领域内,宝腾依然是个“小不点”。

5.The Humane Society of the United States estimates that around 6m-8m cats and dogs end up in shelters each year.美国动物保护协会估计,宠物收容所每年大约会收容600到800万宠物猫狗。

6.The price may have gone up to between $1. 6m and $2m, depending on options, but it is still a cheap route into the jet set.根据不同的选择配置,Ecppse的价格可能升至160万美元至200万美元。但它仍是喷气机系列中的廉价路线。

7.She is also a spong fund-raiser. At the last election she raised $13. 6m, more than any other candidate for the House of Representatives.不仅如此,她还颇具融资才能,上次竞选众议院议员席位之时,她就筹到1360万美元,超过了任何一位议员候选人。

8.But just think: in the few minutes that it took you to read this column, the US national debt went up by over $6m.但是,请想一想:就在你阅读本专栏文章的短短几分钟内,美国国家债务又增加了600多万美元。

9.The record of the grand coaption, blessed by the creation of 1. 6m jobs in the past two years, is so far not as impressive.尽管在过去两年里创造了160万个就业岗位,但大联合政府迄今并没有特别出众的记录。

10.At least 6m people may need food handouts unless more supppes can be found locally.至少6百万居民需要食品援助,除非能就地解决供给问题。