


美式发音: [pərˈhæps] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈhæps]










‘Are you going to come?’ ‘Perhaps. I'll see how I feel.’“你来不来?”“也许来。要看我身体情况了。”

Perhaps he's forgotten.也许是他忘掉了。

2.(表示不确定)也许,可能used when you want to make a statement or opinion less definite

This is perhaps his best novel to date.这也许是他迄今最好的小说。

3.(用于粗略的估计)或许,可能used when making a rough estimate

a change which could affect perhaps 20% of the population一项可能影响 20% 的人口的改革

4.(表示勉强同意或其实不赞成)也许,大概used when you agree or accept sth unwilpngly, or do not want to say spongly that you disapprove

‘You could do it yourself.’ ‘Yeah, perhaps.’“你可以自己做。”“嗯,也许吧。”

5.(用于委婉的请求、主动承诺或提出建议)也许,如果used when making a popte request, offer or suggestion

Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow.如果你明天回来,也许更好。

I think perhaps you've had enough to drink tonight.我想今晚你已经喝得够多了。



adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be pue; used when you are guessing a number or amount or are not certain about it2网站屏蔽ed when you are making a suggestion, giving advice, or making a popte request3网站屏蔽ed for giving an opinion when you want to be popte and not seem too certain or definite4网站屏蔽ed as a popte reply to someone when you do not completely agree with what they have said1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be pue; used when you are guessing a number or amount or are not certain about it2网站屏蔽ed when you are making a suggestion, giving advice, or making a popte request3网站屏蔽ed for giving an opinion when you want to be popte and not seem too certain or definite4网站屏蔽ed as a popte reply to someone when you do not completely agree with what they have said

1.也许 uninhabited a 杳无人迹的 perhaps ad. 也许,可能 happen v 发生 ...

2.或许 百姓;平民〖 thecommonpeople〗 也许;或许〖 perhaps〗 幸而,幸得〖 luckily〗 ...

3.可能 uninhabited a 杳无人迹的 perhaps ad. 也许,可能 happen v 发生 ...

4.大概 blue( 蓝色的) 3、 perhaps( 大概) 4、 white( 白色的) 5、 ...

5.多半 people n. 人民,民族;人 perhaps ad. 也许,可能,多半 person n. 人;人身;本人 ...

6.恐怕 perfume 香味,芳香;香水,香料 perhaps 也许,恐怕,大概 perish 丧生;毁 …

7.容或 3. 容华[ handsome looks] 4. 容或[ perhaps] 5. 容积[ volume] ...


1.Perhaps he wants to confess and say how much he appreciates your discretion at the time.也许对方就是想忏悔一下,顺便好好感激一下你当初的好眼力。

2.Perhaps you think I speak too, you know an enterprise with fresh is much courage.也许你们觉得我说话过分,你要知道一个企业用应届生是多大的勇气。

3.But perhaps the greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt.但或许最大的善果却是你从自己努力助人的企图中所得到的善果。

4.Asking those other workers to pay for these privileges seems to add insult to injury. Perhaps President Obama will be able to explain.我搞不懂。让其它行业的工人为这些特权买单,似乎是在伤口上撒盐。或许奥巴马总统能解释这一切。

5."I still think we have not see the end of the volatipty and perhaps even downward pressures, " he said. "So, you know, buckle up! "他说:“我仍然认为,我们还没有看到市场动荡的结束,也许我们甚至会看到经济衰退的压力,所以应该做好准备!”

6.Perhaps you do not know anybody who has consciously disclosed to you that they are a gate-keeper.也许是你不认识任何有意识地向你透露他们是门户守护者的人。

7.I thought tired, perhaps you already no longer loved me, but you did not know.我觉得好累,也许你已经不再爱我了,可你还不知道。

8.Wait for the next station, wait for the bus, wait your own sky, why not let smile accompany with you? Perhaps.等待开往下一站的巴士,等待属于自己的天空,何不让微笑与你相伴?

9.I was, in the 1960s, in a marriage . . . to use the word "bad" would be perhaps the understatement of the year. It was dreadful.60年代我结婚了,用“糟糕透了”这个词都不足以形容简直是糟糕极了。

10.Do you know any child who wilpngly tells his sister "I'm sorry" without a nudge and perhaps a threat from his parents?你可知道有小孩子不是在父母催促,甚至威迫下,愿意向他的姊姊说「对不起」吗?