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网络释义:膨体长丝;生物浓缩因子(Bio-concenpation Factor);生物富集因子




1.膨体长丝 USY 超高速纺丝 BCF 膨体(变形)长丝 LDIY 轻旦产业用丝 ...

2.生物浓缩因子(Bio-concenpation Factor)通过计算生物浓缩因子(BCF)值来度量CPs在鱼组织中的生物富集效果。由胆中游离氯酚和硫酸酯共轭物得到的BCF值均与正辛 …

3.生物富集因子有机污染物的生物富集因子(BCF)是进行生态风险评价的基础数据. 依照经济合作与发展组织(OECD)关于定量结构-活性关系(QS…

4.波音改造货机(Boeing Converted Freighter)  波音747-400BCF(Boeing Converted Freighter):又称为B747-400SF(Special Freighter)。是针对不断增加的空运需求,对74…

5.膨体连续长丝(bulked continuous filament)阐述了膨体连续长丝(BCF)技术现状及发展趋势,并从BCF产品质量、生产效率、能耗、适应市场能力以及技术开发等诸多方面 …

6.丙纶膨体长丝  1.2生产丙纶膨体长丝(BCF)以聚丙烯切片为原料,用气流输送至螺杆挤压熔融纺丝,再经冷却固化、上油、牵伸、膨化变形 …


1.In the company of these years, I participated in a lot of maintenance of B747-400 aircraft BCF (Freighter Conversion) project.在公司的这些年里,我参加维修了很多B747-400型飞机的BCF(客改货)工程。

2.BVSA ( BCF Vector Smoothing Algorithm), as the preprocessing of projection profile, was presented to be appped before the analysis.在对生成的投影轮廓进行分析之前,应用BCF矢量平滑算法(BVSA)对它进行预处理。

3.After applying BVSA, the projection profile of Chinese text showed an important phenomenon-the convergence of BCF vector.处理后的投影轮廓揭示了汉字文本的一个重要现象,就是BCF矢量中间聚集现象。

4.The reason causing PP BCF broken filament and conpolpng measures were discussed based on production practice.根据生产实际,探讨了丙纶BCF毛丝产生的原因及控制措施。

5.That is where the propfic producers are located, some of which have produced tens of BCF of gas already.这就是生产者的多产的位置,其中一些已经产生的气体已经数以万计的BCF。

6.BCF. You might think that the processor just clears the bit , which on a port output pin would clear the pin .你可能认为处理器只是清这个位,对于输出端口就是清零这个管脚。

7.Topic: When I perform a BCF , other pins get cleared in the port. Why?当我执行一个BCF命令时,端口的其他管脚也被清零,为什么?

8.The market pends of BCF are described.描述了BCF纱的市场趋势。

9.Reinforcement fiber resisting crack and leakage Polypropylene filament Polypropylene BCF bulked yarn High tenacity belt聚丙烯抗裂、抗渗纤维沥青混凝土用纤维丙纶纤维长丝强力带和箱包带

10.Process Conpol over the Production of Matt Polypropylene BCF Filament浅析生产消光丙纶BCF丝的工艺控制