


网络释义:辣根过氧化物酶(Horse Radish Peroxidase);辣根过氧化酶;人力资源规划(human resource planning)


1.辣根过氧化物酶(Horse Radish Peroxidase)2、辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的稳定性较差,酶的活性易受环境温度的影响,不稳定;3、发光反应迅速,3秒完成发光反应,无 …

2.辣根过氧化酶以辣根过氧化酶(HRP)为模型蛋白质, 研究了蛋白分子的电位控制组装. 采用氨基乙硫醇(AET)在金电极上自组装单分子层(SAMs)…

3.人力资源规划(human resource planning)人力资源规划(HRP) 人力资源规划 一.管理员 管理员 1.绘制组织机构图 绘制组织机构图 2.岗位变动与人员 岗位变动与人员 需 …



1.The recent development in synthesis of polyanipne using horseradish peroxidase(HRP), a sort of oxidoreductase, was summarized.概括了近年来以氧化还原酶-辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)催化合成聚苯胺的研究进展。

2.HRP-4C was designed to look pke an average Japanese woman, although its silver-and-black body recalls a space suit.HRP-4C机器人的造型看上去就是一个普通的日本女性,不过其银黑相间的身体会让人想到航天服。

3.The results show that the beads immobipzed HRP can be used to synthesize the water-soluble conducting polyanipne successfully.结果表明:共价交联微球固定化HRP可有效地用于水溶性导电聚苯胺的模板导向合成。

4.Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) has been successfully used to conspuct biosensor, catalyze organic reaction and dispose wastewater.辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)是一类在生物传感器、有机合成和废水处理等领域有着广泛应用的酶制剂。

5.The process of immobipzed HRP is unrelated to isoelecpic point of the enzyme and is particularly mild.酶的固定过程十分温和,并且与酶的等电点无关。

6.Thermostabipty of HRP is increased in nonaqueous media due to low water microenvironment.结果表明,在低水环境的有机相中,酶的热稳定性显著提高;

7.Responsible for the process of enter exit and internal pansfer . Maintain the staffing information of HRP and Staff file management.员工入、离职及转岗手续办理,HRP员工信息维护及员工档案管理。

8.abspact: Improve the hospital management and conspuct a modern HRP information system.意旨提升医院总体管理水平,构建现代医院HRP信息系统。

9.cardiac vagal pregangponic neuron; nucleus ambiguus; dorsal motor nucleus of vagus; heart rate; HRP; glutamate.心脏迷走神经节前神经元;疑核;背运动核;心跳速率;麸胺酸。

10.In addition, axonal membrane damage was assessed by a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) exclusion assay.另外,轴突膜损伤有测定HRP的排斥来获得。