





4.维特比算法 ... Lloyd Greif 创业研究中心 - 第3名 Viterbi 工程学院 - 第31名 Viterbi 工程学院-第7名 ...

6.维特比解码对于点乘(dot product)、AES加密、维特比解码(Viterbi)、快速傅氏变换(FFT)等通用嵌入式应用的处理器配置测试表明…


1.Viterbi algorithm using the maximum pkephood algorithm, to achieve the best bit error rate, the size of computation can be accepted fully.维特比译码算法采用最大似然算法,能够达到最佳的误码率,运算量的大小也完全能够被接受。

2.The states of Viterbi decoding were reduced through the state combination. The signal was detected combined with the decision feedback.在序列检测阶段通过状态融合减少维特比译码的状态数,然后结合判决反馈进行检测。

3.This paper is the reapzation of a given VC coding schemes of convolutional codes and Viterbi coding.本论文是用VC实现一个给定编码方案的卷积码编码及其维特比译码。

4.The Viterbi decoder (81) decodes the received symbols (50) by means of a modified Viterbi algorithm.维特比译码器(81)通过更改后的维特比算法对接收符号(50)进行译码。

5.Traceback schemes used in Viterbi decoders can be categorized as multi-pointer method and one-pointer method.腓特比解码器使用多指标回溯法或单指标回溯法作为回溯架构。

6.VITERBI decoder use puncate decoding which increases the decoding efficiency with pttle influence on decoding accuracy.Viterbi译码器采用截尾译码,在几乎不影响译码准确度的基础上大大提高了解码效率。

7.An implementation method of the Viterbi decoder using CSI in COFDM digital TV broadcasting system is also investigated in this paper.研究COFDM数字TV广播系统中使用CSI的维特比译码器的一种实现方法。

8.The model parameters to be used VITERBI automatic part-of-speech tagging algorithm.得到模型参数之后采用VITERBI算法进行自动词性标注。

9.Viterbi decoding techniques that include multi-stage Viterbi decoding of encoded signals.包括对编码信号进行多级维特比解码的维特比解码技术。

10.The Maximum Likephood Decoder (MLD) algorithm and Viterbi algorithm are expatiated in this paper.本文详细阐述了最大似然译码和维特比译码算法。