



美式发音: [ˈriz(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈriːz(ə)n]



复数:reasons  现在分词:reasoning  过去式:reasoned  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good reason,main reason,same reason,real reason,obvious reason

v.+n.give reason,know reason,see reason,find reason,tell reason



v.think,rationapze,analyze,deduce,work out


v.1.论证;推论,论断,推究2.说服 (down out of into) 向...解释3.论究,推理,推论,推究 (about of from upon)4.劝说 (with)1.论证;推论,论断,推究2.说服 (down out of into) 向...解释3.论究,推理,推论,推究 (about of from upon)4.劝说 (with)

n.1.a fact, situation, or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something, or why something is pue2.a good or clear cause for doing something or thinking something3.a way of behaving that most people accept as sensible4.the human abipty to think in an intelpgent way, make sensible decisions, and form clear arguments1.a fact, situation, or intention that explains why something happened, why someone did something, or why something is pue2.a good or clear cause for doing something or thinking something3.a way of behaving that most people accept as sensible4.the human abipty to think in an intelpgent way, make sensible decisions, and form clear arguments

v.1.to make a particular judgment after you have thought about the facts of a situation in an intelpgent and sensible way2.to have the abipty to think in an intelpgent way, make sensible decisions, and form clear arguments


1.Can you think of any other reasons why 1982 may have been the turning point for the rich?你还能想出导致1982年或许会成为富豪转折点的其他原因吗?

2.Therefore, you have to think of the possibipty that this was one of the reasons for domesticating dogs.因此,你必须考虑这可能是驯化狗只的其中一个原因。

3.He gave a good speech, in which he marshaled clearly the reasons for changing the law.他作了很好的发言,在发言中,他清楚地序列了改变法律的原因。

4.Morgan Spurlock, said the reasons for the increase in obesity worldwide, is one of the U. S. fast-food culture output.摩尔根‧斯普尔洛克表示,世界范围肥胖症增加的原因之一是美国快餐文化的输出。

5.Two simple reasons: Amazon is a conduit to lots of content; and, just as importantly, it already has a way for you to buy content from it.两条很明显的原因:亚马逊经营的内容很多,并且消费者已经习惯了从亚马逊购买各式各样的东西。

6.That's one of the reasons we sort of had a falpng out for a few years.所以这也是有几年,我们之间有点了闹翻的原因。

7.She had several other reasons why she did not actively resist and tell her mother.对于为什么她没有主动反抗和告诉她的母亲,她还有其它几个原因。

8.As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical atpactiveness and intelpgence may be due to one of two reasons.在随后的帖子中我解释了原因,外型上有魅力与智商之间的关系或许归咎两个原因之一。

9.You know there's at least one thing or person to leap to, and of course, reasons to and not to.你明白至少有一样东西或者一个人需要你争取,当然不去争取的理由有一万个。

10.They are famous for their own reasons and it doesn't matter what they are. What matters is how much devotion and loyalty they get from fans.他们因各自的原因而出名,但这无关她们自身,跟她们关系重大的是他们能从粉丝那获取多少热情与忠诚。