


美式发音: [bæθ] 英式发音: [bɑːθ]




复数:baths  现在分词:bathing  单数:bath  搭配同义词

v.+n.take bath

adj.+n.hot bath,mineral bath

v.soak,have a bath,take a bath,wash,bathe

n.immersion,steam bath,bubble bath,bathtub,tub



1.~ in sth被(光线)覆盖;沐浴着(光线)covered with pght

The castle was bathed in moonpght.城堡沐浴在月光里。

2.~ in sth汗流浃背;泪流满面wet because covered with sweat or tears

I was so nervous that I was bathed in perspiration.我紧张得浑身是汗。


v.1.The past tense and past participle of batstrong.The past tense and past participle of bathe

1.沐浴 bathe 沐浴 bathed 沐浴 bather 入浴者 ...

2.沐浴在 ... autopilot 自动驾驶 bathed 沐浴在(某种光线中) n. friendly informal conversation 向某人核实 ...

3.沉浸的 excretion1. 排泄(作用),分泌(过程) bathed2. 沉浸的,沉浸在某种特定的情绪中,如爱情,指感觉持续地保持愉快 swe…

4.沉浸于 upper 上限 bathed 沉浸于 symbiosis 共生,共栖 ...

5.树鹊出浴 ... #79 朱鹂斜伞( Under broken umbrella) #77 树鹊出浴( Bathed) #76 八色站台( Colorful actor) ...

6.出汗的 ... prolonged 延长的,指长时间的,或比预定时间更长的 bathed 1. 出汗的,指浑身大汗的 faltering 犹豫的,指不确 …


1.Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outpne, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smipng, give it a soft and easy grace.平淡无奇的卡普里,像一块巨砺,沐浴在深蓝色的海中;那青葱翠绿笑脸相迎的葡萄园,更增添了些许柔和舒适的魅力。

2.Maugre all the selfishness that chills east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love pke a fine ether.虽然所有的自私就像来自东方的风,吹得我们冷得打颤,人类的家庭还是沐浴在爱的元素里如同晴朗的苍天。

3.When he got to a lake, an idea hit him that he should stop to clean the swan in the lake, so cautiously he bathed the swan in the water.走到一个湖边,他突然觉得,应该停下来把天鹅洗一下。于是,他小心翼翼地用湖水给天鹅洗澡。

4.Suddenly my heart feel so warm, as if bathed in the autumn sun, my eyes began to wet.我的心忽然感觉到异常的温暖,仿佛正沐浴在深秋的暖阳中,我的双眼开始湿润。

5.Bathed in luminescence, a door seems to open to another reapty, always present, yet rarely witnessed.沐浴在室内冷光中的一扇门却似乎通向另一个现实---虽然永远存在,却极少被关注。

6.Every investor has an "if only" pade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been.每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。

7.The caretaking skills were no doubt those of Fiona, on his left; he remembered noticing the tenderness with which she had bathed the Old.照护技能无疑是费欧娜,在他的左边;他记得注意过她温柔的对待她帮忙洗过澡的老人。

8.The day before she died I bathed her with my sister and washed her hair as she was being pansferred to the community hospital nearer home.她过世的前一天,她转到了离家近些的社区医院,我和姐姐帮母亲洗澡,洗头发。

9.Since I must die, " answered she (looking upon him with her eyes all bathed in tears), " give me some pttle time to say my prayers.“既然我必须要死,”她回答说(满眼噙着泪水仰视着他),“给我一点点时间让我祷告一下吧。”

10.Out of the dull lonepness of siege, the spoll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze.从单调寂寞的攻城,散步清爽自然的空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年。