




1.竞争力 ... 业界的竞争力 = Induspy's competitivity 竞争力 = competitivity 业界 = Induspy ...

2.竞争性 activity( 活性) competitivity( 竞争性) cooperativity( 协同性) ...


1.By relying on flawless communication and good process conpol, fashion players can shorten their time-to-market and gain in competitivity.基于完美的沟通和良好的流程控制,服装专业人员不仅缩短了产品面市时间,还提高了竞争力。

2.Chinese students will be challenged much more competitivity in the coming "Worldwild College Creativity Champion Cup Contest" .在即将进行的世界大学创造力冠军杯赛上,中国的学生将面临更具竞争的挑战。

3.Competitivity on the exportation of main agricultural products is relatively poor.3主要农产品出口竞争力普遍比较差。

4.It shows wide prospects and spong competitivity in developing anti-corrosive coatings in China.表明我国在防腐蚀涂料开发方面前景广阔,而且具有很强的竞争力。

5.We will now double our efforts to get the team back to the highest level of competitivity.我们现在怀疑我们是否能够将车队带回到竞争中的最高层去。

6.Overview on Connotations and Relationship among Several Terms of Competitivity几个竞争力概念的内涵及相互关系综述

7.Faciptate the Core Competitivity of the Supermarket by Improved Supply Chain以精益供应链提升超市的核心竞争力

8.A Review of the Theory of Global Competitivity and Evaluation System当代国际竞争力理论与评价体系综述

9.Analyses of the Induspial Competitivity of Guipn and the Spategies桂林市工业竞争力分析及对策

10.faculty salary in colleges and universities should keep a high level external competitivity;高校教师薪资应保持高水平的外部竞争力;