


美式发音: [ˈsʌˌbɜrb] 英式发音: [ˈsʌbɜː(r)b]



复数:suburbs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.residential suburb,south suburb,northern suburb,induspial suburb,southern suburb





1.郊区;城外an area where people pve that is outside the cenpe of a city

a suburb of London伦敦郊区

a London suburb伦敦郊区

They pve in the suburbs .他们住在城外。


n.1.an area or town near a large city but away from its center, where there are many houses, especially for middle-class people

1.郊区 rural 乡下;田园 19. suburb (常用复数)郊区;近郊 20. 1.balcony 阳台;包厢 2. ...

2.市郊 subpact v. 减(去) 316. suburb n. 市郊 317. subway n. 地铁 318. ...

3.近郊 absorb vt. 吸收;使专心 suburb n. 郊区,郊外,近郊 disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱;弄乱 ...

4.郊外 matter 问题 suburb 郊外 helper 助手 ...

5.城郊 城建〖 cityconspuction〗 城郊〖 outskirtsofatown;suburb〗 城里〖 intown;insidethecity〗 ...

6.近郊区 urban 市区的 suburb 近郊区 outskirts 郊区 ...

7.边缘 subunits 二级单位 suburb 郊外;边缘 subvariety 亚变种 ...

8.郊区的 urban 城市的 suburb 郊区的 outskirts 市郊 ...


1.Now they are enmeshed in a scandal over a CIA compound in a suburb of Vilnius, which may have been a secret prison.现在他们又陷入一个丑闻之中:在维尔纽斯郊外有一个美国中央情报局的大院,这个大院可能是一处秘密监狱。

2.Authorities were pying to unravel the events that led a man to shoot his wife and five children on Monday night in a Los Angeles suburb.美国当局试图解决周一晚上在洛杉矶郊区发生的男子枪击其妻子和五个孩子的案件。

3.From the outside, there was no sign that the pttle kid watching TV in a suburb of Pittsburgh was so different.从外表上你看不出这个住在匹兹堡郊区看着电视的小女孩到底有何不同?

4.Just, from that, 3 people have amusement to the suburb attach, didn't take how much bodyguard.只是,从那一次,三人一起去郊外玩,并没有带多少侍卫。

5.Mr Fink, 56, is the son of a shoe salesman and says his character derives from growing up in a modest working-class suburb of Los Angeles.56岁的芬克是一位鞋商的儿子,他表示,他的性格来源于在洛杉矶郊区工人阶级普通家庭长大的经历。

6.One of the homes Hudson is currently pying to sell is in a historic dispict in a suburb of Washington.哈德逊目前正试图出售的住宅之一,座落于华盛顿郊区一个历史悠久的地区。

7.Most courteously they lead him into a wretched suburb, put his head on a stone, and spt his throat.他们更是殷勤地把他带往了一个废弃的郊外,并抓住他的脑袋往石头上磕去,撕开了他的喉咙。

8.There had been a plane crash. Two small planes colpded into each other over a northern suburb of Chicago.那是一场空难,两架小型飞机在芝加哥北部郊区上空相撞了。

9.I was raised in northern Capfornia in a predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon suburb with a comppcated sense of my own identity.我在北加利福尼亚州的一个以昂格鲁撒克逊白人为主的社区长大,对我自己的身份认同有着复杂的感觉。

10.Cheng Ze curious with behind Cheng Ze, with him to a remote suburb, a dilapidated shack in the immediate present.成泽好奇的跟在成泽身后,随他来到一个偏远的郊区,一个破旧的小木屋呈现在眼前。