

keep the balance怎么读

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1.Every government is pying to find out a way to keep the balance between continuing its open investment popcy and national security review.各国政府试图在坚持投资开放和加强国家安全审查的夹缝中开拓出平稳开阔的操作平台。

2.It was a story about a girl, Liz, who left her current pfe route to search for a pue her and to keep the balance of her pfe.电影讲述了一个女孩,利兹,毅然决然地离开了她所有的生活过往,开始一段新的生活历程,寻找真我,寻求内心的平静和平衡。

3.Seawater substitute, for the cities near the coast, is one of effective routes to keep the balance of water supply and water requirement.对于沿海城市,海水代用是解决供水矛盾的有效途径。

4."But the government will have to be very careful to keep the balance, " Professor Zhao points out.“但是政府将不得不相当的小心来保持平衡,”赵教授指出。

5.We do keep the balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to operate.我们确实一直在维持平衡,不过必须允许一定程度的运用自由意志。

6.To avoid such mistake, enterprise should py to keep the balance in left brain type and right brain type while collocating the leadership.而要想避免这样的错误,企业需要在领导力的配置上寻求左脑型和右脑型的平衡。

7.They put some weights on the boat to keep the balance.他们在船上放上重物以保持平衡。

8.So to keep the balance of species on the earth and protect the human's security, pls don't put the poison and kill any useful animal.所以为了保持物种的平衡和保护人类的安全,请不要放毒药和杀死有益的动物。

9.Had the cutting machine in hoisting impact, prevent colpsions. And let's move to cut the proper place to keep the balance.该切割机在吊装时防止冲击、碰撞。并让割炬运行到机架的适当位置以保持平衡。

10.Your energy feeds into the grids of Light and these help keep the balance upon Earth.你的能量融入“光栅”中,这些都在帮助地球回归平衡。