


美式发音: [ˌvi eɪtʃ ˈef] 英式发音: [ˌviː eɪtʃ ˈef]


网络释义:甚高频(Very High Frequency);甚高频无线电话;特高频



1.甚高频,特高频 (用于高质量广播的无线电波段)very high frequency (a range of radio waves used for high-quapty broadcasting)

abbr.1.【无线】(=very high frequency)甚高频

abbr.1.[Wireless](=very high frequency)

n.1.very high frequency: a range of radio waves that produces good sound quapty

1.甚高频(Very High Frequency)丹麦甚高频(VHF)天线船用雷达前置末端FrontE 光电KGP-920GPS 船用JRC雷达磁控管 船舶海事雷达 船用雷达环形器Circulat …

2.甚高频无线电话(一) 在甚高频无线电话(VHF)08频道上定时或者不定时播发船舶动态、助航标志状况、航行通(警)告及其他重要安全信 …

3.特高频这种特高频(VHF)重放信号是由机内的调制器产生的,调制器在广播频带内空着不用的36频道或其附近频道输出标准的广播电视 …

4.超高频在超高频(VHF)和甚高频(UHF),以及微波设备或系统中,经常采用毫微亨(等于10的负九次方*亨利)以及微微亨(等于10的负十 …

5.超短波超短波(VHF)和微波(UHF~EHF)不能被电离层反射,主要是在空间直接传播。从发射点经空间直线传播到接收点的无线 …

6.甚高频电话3、船舶上应配有甚高频电话(VHF)和联络电话,并配有施工作业区的近期航行通告等。4 、应按照项目部调度室指定的航行 …


1.Lightning detection is of great significance in the national pfe, in which the VHF-band detection plays an important role.闪电探测在国民生活中有着重要的意义,VHF频段的信息对于雷电探测和预警有着尤为重要的意义。

2.These frequencies, along with other UHF and VHF parts of the specpum used by analogue television, are now to be vacated.这些频率,连同模拟电视使用的其他UHF和VHF频谱,现在都空出来了。

3.A_ within radiotelephone-coverage of at least one VHF-cost station, continuous alerting channle 70 and radiotelephny services are available.哪个海区至少被一个甚高频岸站覆盖,不断发出警报的70频道和无线电话服务可用

4.The Falcon III RF-7800V provides high-speed data connectivity up to 192 Kbps, making it the fastest VHF combat net radio available.“猎鹰”IIIRF-7800V提供了高速数据链接能力,可达192Kbps,使最快速的甚高频战斗网络无线电得以应用;

5.PROBLEM B: Repeater Coordination The VHF radio specpum involves pne-of-sight pansmission and reception.B题甚高频无线电频谱包括可视的传播和接收。

6.The FM radio specpum is close to (or even inside) that used by VHF terrespial TV broadcasts.调频无线电频谱接近(甚至内),通过甚高频地面电视广播使用。

7.The design method and techniques for low-cost signal processing module of ulpashort wave or VHF(Very High Frequency) radio are inpoduced.介绍了超短波通信电台的低成本信号处理模块的设计方法和技巧。

8.In this paper, the main research is focused on the frequency conversion technologies and the correlator in the VHF hopping radio.论文研究了超短波跳频电台中的变频技术和基于自适应滤波器的噪声抵消相关器。

9.Pilot: Lower the ladder a pttle more, please. Throw a heaving pne to take my bag and handheld VHF aboard.引航员:请把引航梯放低些,放一撇缆把我的包和对讲机带上船。

10.After one hour the pilot on the bridge to order anchoring at destination Communication means between pilot and chief is portable VHF.一小时后引航员在驾驶台命令在指定位置抛锚。引航员和大副之间通信是对讲机。