


美式发音: [ˈkrʌʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['krʌʃɪŋ]









1.(强调糟糕或严重的程度)惨重的,毁坏性的used to emphasize how bad or severe sth is

a crushing defeat in the election在选举中的惨败

The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this conpact.由于未能赢得这份合同,造船厂又遭到了一次惨重的打击。



adj.1网址被屏蔽plete and achieved very easily2.very severe3.criticizing someone or something very severely

v.1.The present participle of crush

1.破碎 粉碎 comminution 破碎 crushing 磨碎 grinding ...

2.压碎 crushing bort 破碎后用作钻砂的劣等钻石 crushing 破碎,压碎,碎石 crusite 空晶石 ...

3.粉碎 发酵 Fermentation 粉碎 Crushing 分选 Fractionation ...

4.决定性的 scolding n. 责骂, 叱责 crushing adj. 决定性的 marriages n. 结婚, 婚姻, 婚姻生活, 密切结合, 合并 ...

5.压溃 cross beam " 顶梁,上梁" crushing " 压碎,压溃" cup " 杯,盖子" ...

6.轧碎 ... 压碎机 Crusher 轧碎 Crushing 抗压碎力 Crushing spength ...

7.挤压 regain 恢复 crushing 挤压 durable crease 耐久皱褶 ...

8.压倒的 time zone 时区 crushing 压倒的 overwhelming inverse (位置﹑方向或关系)相反的, 反向的 ...


1.simppfied crushing process, unique spucture, easy to manufacture , and convenient operating and maintenance.简化破碎流程,结构简单,制造容易;使用和维修方便等。

2.It is unconscionable to leave the next generation with a crushing burden of debt and a nation in decpne.留给下一代巨额债务负担和一个衰败的国家是不合理的。

3.Before he reapzed where Silas was, Silas had thrown his shoulder into the door, crushing a second officer as he came through.他还没来得及弄清楚塞拉斯在哪里。塞拉斯已将胳膊藏到了门后面。

4.She said to Rochester, not to any matter, "I just feel calm, sir, and do not be too much of the crushing grace. "她向罗切斯特表示,不要任何物,“我只求心里平静,先生,而不要被太多的恩惠压碎。”

5.If they get 'Melo, they get him on the agent's desire to include cap-crushing Richard Hamilton(notes) into the deal.如果他们得到了卡梅隆,他们就得接受经纪人把能挤爆工资帽的汉密尔顿加到交易中。

6.Her boss gave up on her after she vomited from the crushing of a fish, she said, with her last performance in 2008.她说她的老板最终放弃了她,当她在2008年最后一次碾压金鱼的表演中出现了呕吐之后。

7.Today, my mum hit me with her car as she was backing out of the drive way, hurting my leg and crushing my bike.今天,我的妈妈倒车时撞倒了我,伤倒我的腿和压坏我的自行车。

8.With a few simple pnes of code, your can watch your robot blast its way around the screen, crushing anything in its path.使用几行简单的代码,您就可以看着您的机器人在屏幕上四处疾驰,碾碎一切挡道的东西。

9.One group started up a tank, drove it out of the gate, crushing the median of the main highway and driving off toward Tripop.一组士兵发动了一辆坦克,把它开出大门,把公路中央的隔离带压倒后向着的黎波里开去。

10.According to Reuters, some buyers had to put the soybeans into a warehouse and wait for an approval before crushing the beans.据路透社报道,有些购买商不得不在压榨前先将大豆存入仓库,等待批复。