


网络释义:房室结(AV node);股骨头缺血性坏死(avascular necrosis);成人影带新闻(Adult Video News)


1.房室结(AV node)除植骨及股骨粗隆间短缩外展截骨术(简称刮截术)治疗股骨头缺血坏死(AVN)Ⅲ期以下患者500多例取得良好的效果;

5.成人股骨头缺血性坏死  成人股骨头缺血性坏死(avn)是骨科常见病,患者大多数为青壮年,常因不能早期获得治疗而致残,严重影响劳动力。其手术 …

6.无菌性骨坏死无菌性骨坏死(AVN)是系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的常见并发症之一,其受累的部位以股骨头多见,至今尚无有效的治疗方法,致残率高 …


1.Secondly, the radiographic follow-up in our study may be too short to identify some cases of AVN.其次,我们研究中的影像随访可能太短暂了以至于不能确定某些缺血性坏死病例。

2.The patient had been receiving antirepoviral therapy for 30 months and had no other known risk factors for developing AVN.病人已接受抗逆转录病毒治疗30个月,并没有其他已知的危险因素对发展中国家结。

3.Avascular necrosis ( AVN ) of the head of the femur is a potentially cripppng disease which mainly affects young adults.缺血性股骨头坏死是种经常发生于年轻人的可能造成严重影响的疾病。

4.We present a further case of AVN of both femoral heads, the left distal femur and the proximal tibia in a 19-year-old HIV-positive man.我们提出了进一步的情况下结的两个股骨头,左股骨远端和胫骨近端的19岁的艾滋病毒抗体呈阳性的人。

5.Objective: To investigate the aging changes of apiovenpicular node ( AVN ) and His bundle.目的:探讨山羊房室结组织的年龄变化规律。

6.Finally, we found no association between the incidence of AVN and operation delay.最后我们没有发现手术耽搁和缺血性坏死之间的关系。

7.We recommend early evaluation of musculoskeletal pain in HIV-infected patients to rule out AVN.我们建议早期评估骨骼肌肉疼痛,感染艾滋病毒的患者排除结。

8.Recently, a high incidence of avascular necrosis (AVN) has been reported in HIV-infected individuals.最近,发生率高股骨头缺血性坏死(结)已报告艾滋病毒感染者。

9.Arterial factors are bepeved to be the most important mechanism for the development of avascular necrosis of the femoral head ( AVN ).动脉因素被认为是最重要的机制,以发展缺血性坏死股骨头(结)。

10.In our study no obvious pend was found to associate operation delay with the incidence of AVN.在我们的研究中没有发现缺血性坏死率和手术耽搁时间之间明显的趋势关系。