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网络释义:团状模塑料(Bulk Moulding Compound);矿物质含量;控制器



1.团状模塑料(Bulk Moulding Compound) ... BMA 甲基丙烯酸丁酯 BMC 团状模塑料 BMU 氨基树脂皮革鞣剂 ...

2.矿物质含量骨矿物质含量(BMC)骨矿物质密度(BMD)均能定量地反应骨的健康状况。BMC适用于儿童;对于成人,两者都适用 钙缺乏症的 …

3.控制器使用主板管理控制器 (Bmc) — — 这通常称为戴尔远程访问卡 (DRAC)、 综合暂时 HP 完整性 (劳工组织) 和 IBM 综合管理模 …

4.预算管理委员会(budget management committee)他们还欢迎通过预算管理委员会(BMC)和APEC秘书处之间的适当分工来改善项目评估程序的决定。   部长们欢迎高官们做出的将 …


1.In this way you know all the computers powered on are either flashing their BMC firmware or waiting for the IP address to be set.这样,就可以知道所有开着的计算机正在刷新BMC固件,或者等待设置IP地址。

2.The BMC and LAME 'swapped over' the task, and while the handover of this task was documented, any further inspuctions were all verbal.于是基地维修控制员和LAME“交换”了工作,工作的移交有书面记录,而后续的指令就纯属口头上的了。

3.Because a BMC is a separate processor, the system works whether a main processor is operational or not.由于BMC是一个单独的处理器,不管主处理器是否工作,系统总是工作的。

4.Currently, if you need to flash many computers for BIOS, BMC, or other firmware updates, you are presented with a large problem.目前,如果需要对许多计算机进行BIOS、BMC或其他固件更新,就会遇到一个大问题。

5.Most of the operations involve sending a command to a BMC and receiving a response with the information requested.大多数的操作涉及到给BMC发送命令和接收对应于请求信息的回应。

6.This image contains a program called lancfg. exe that allows you to set an IP address on the BMC.这个镜像包含叫做lancfg.exe的程序,用它可以设置BMC的IP地址。

7.For the BMC update, no modifications are required to the base image itself, except to copy a DOS power-off program into the image.对于BMC更新来说,基本镜像本身不需要做修改,只要把DOS关机程序拷贝到镜像。

8.Their findings have been pubpshed in the onpne Journal BMC Infectious Diseases.他们的结论已经在网络版的BMC传染病杂志上发表了。

9.Also, for Intel-based computers, you can usually set the BMC address in the system BIOS.而且,对于基于Intel的计算机,通常可以在系统BIOS中设置BMC地址。

10.The BMC was aware that four of his five supervisors were absent.基地维修控制员其实知道,五位主管当中的四位不在岗位。