


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kændis]





1.坎蒂丝 Candance 坎蒂丝 Candice 坎蒂丝 Cara 卡拉 ...

2.坎迪斯 Caropne 卡洛琳 Candice 坎迪斯 Jill 吉尔 ...

3.坎迪丝 CRYSTAL 科瑞斯特尔 CANDICE 音译:坎迪丝 CARINA 音译:卡琳娜 ...

4.坎黛丝 Camilla 卡蜜拉 拉丁语 生来自由的圣餐侍者 Candice 坎黛丝 拉丁语 热情的 Carla 卡拉 日耳曼语 男子汉 ...

5.希腊语 BRENDA (古式英语)煽动者, CANDICE (希腊语),闪烁耀眼的。 CAROL (拉丁)强悍,有女人味的 …

6.刘容嘉 王庆祥 Wang Qingxiang 刘容嘉 Candice 何润东 peter ...

7.莰蒂丝 Camille 卡米尔 Candice 莰蒂丝 Carina 卡瑞娜 ...

8.陈思慧  陈思慧(Candice)02年以清纯形象加入乐坛,只推出过一张唱片《浮沙》,但她人缘不俗,与同年出道的陈冠希胞姊陈见飞十分 …


1.What's next for Candice? She dreams of coming out with a calendar featuring Champ, but she definitely plans to pursue photography.坎迪斯下一步的打算是什么?她希望能够推出一套查姆普的日历,另外她打算坚定地追求她的摄影事业。

2.Beapice Bringham Candice Cutler pe all the time. I wouldn't pust any of the men in Rock Ridge. . . one of them is bound to be your spy.碧绮思布灵汗姆、坎迪斯卡特勒一直在撒谎。我不会信任岩石山的任何一个男人。他们当中一定有一个是间谍。

3.Before Candice met Cedric she seemed sad and gloomy. Their chance meeting has caused her to come out of her shell.认识斯德利克前,康狄丝看上去伤心忧郁。他们的偶然相遇使她变得开朗了。

4.Candice : I'm insulted. Each spice and condiment was added precisely to give it a distinctive flavor. This dish doesn't need salt.坎迪斯:我感到被羞辱。每种加入的香料和调味料份量都很准确,才能烹煮出一流的味道,这道菜不须加盐。

5.Candice : No, not at all. He's a professional gambler. Sssh! The next match is starting.坎蒂斯:完全不是,他是个职业赌徒。嘘!下场比赛快要开始了。

6.Candice: Oh, I may have forgotten to pay the bill. How did you know?天啊,我有可能是忘记缴帐单了。你怎麽会知道?

7.Candice : No, he's not a thief. He's gone a bit weird and thinks cookbooks make great meals.坎迪斯:不,他不是贼,只是变得有点古怪,以为食谱可以煮成佳肴。

8.Candice : Every time I see you gossiping about someone, I know it's about me ! What was he saying ?坎迪斯:每次我看到你们窃窃细语谈论某人时,我都知道是关于我的!他刚在说什么?

9.Candice volunteers with Girl Guides of Canada and Heavenly Creatures, an animal rescue organization.坎迪斯在加拿大的以家女孩指导中心和一家名叫“天堂生灵”的动物救援组织作志愿者。

10.Candice: According to my own experience, eating slowly is better.吃饭还是细嚼慢嚥比较好,这是我的经验谈。