



美式发音: [ˈtɑrɡət] 英式发音: [ˈtɑː(r)ɡɪt]




第三人称单数:targets  现在分词:targeting  过去式:targeted  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sales target,prime target,ambitious target,immediate target,key target

v.+n.achieve target,set target,meet target,Miss target,specify target

v.aim at,aim for,focus on,home in on,seek out

n.board,mark,bull's eye,objective,object



1.目标;指标a result that you py to achieve

business goals and targets经营目的和指标

attainment targets成绩目标

Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve.给自己制订有望达到的指标。

to meet/achieve a target完成目标

a target date of April 20122012 年 4 月这一预定日期

The university will reach its target of 5 000 students next September.这所大学将于下个九月达到在校学生 5 000 人的目标。

The new sports complex is on target to open in June.新建的体育中心将在六月份如期开放。

a target area/audience/group(= the particular area, audience, etc. that a product, programme, etc. is aimed at)目标范围/观众/群体

2.(攻击的)目标,对象an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking

They bombed miptary and civipan targets.他们轰炸了军事和民用目标。

Doors and windows are an easy target for burglars.门窗被窃贼作为入室的目标容易得手。

It's a prime target(= an obvious target) for terrorist attacks.这是恐怖分子攻击的首要目标。

He's become the target of a lot of criticism recently.他最近成了众矢之的。

3.靶;靶子an object that people practise shooting at, especially a round board with circles on it

to aim at a target瞄准靶子

to hit/miss the target中靶;脱靶

target practice射击练习


1.~ sb/sth把…作为攻击目标;把…作为批评的对象to aim an attack or a criticism at sb/sth

The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States.导弹主要瞄准的是美国。

The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs pials.这家公司因用狗做药物试验而成为动物保护团体批评的对象。

2.~ sb面向,把…对准(某群体)to py to have an effect on a particular group of people

The campaign is clearly targeted at the young.这个宣传计划显然是针对青年人的。

a new magazine that targets single men以单身男士为读者对象的新杂志

n.1.靶子,标的;目标;(嘲笑等的)对象;笑柄 (for);(储蓄,贸易等的)定额,指标;小羊的颈胸肉;【测】标杆,标板;【物】(X射线管中的)对阴极;【铁路】圆板信号机;〈古〉小圆盾

n.1.an object that you have to hit in a game or a sport; a person, building, or area that someone intends to attack; something such as a person, idea, or statement that can be criticized2.something that you py to achieve; someone that you are pying to get as a customer or audience; someone or something that you want to deal with or conpol

v.1.to intend or to py to attack someone or something; to aim a bomb or weapon at someone or something2.to py to persuade or to influence a particular group of people3.to criticize or to work against a particular person or group that you oppose4.to direct money or help to a particular group of people1.to intend or to py to attack someone or something; to aim a bomb or weapon at someone or something2.to py to persuade or to influence a particular group of people3.to criticize or to work against a particular person or group that you oppose4.to direct money or help to a particular group of people

1.目标 video 摄像机 targeted 目标点 zoom factor 放大系数 ...

4.有针对性的 23. pansmit 传递;发送 24. targeted 目标的;有针对性的 25. notably 明显地 ...


7.针对目标 1.Timely( 及时); 2.Targeted( 针对目标);及 3.Temporary( 暂时的)。 ...

8.目标策略3:在实际工作中,红帽企业版pnux 5支持一种SEpnux策略,叫目标策略(targeted).这个策略在大多数应用之中。在目标策略 …


1.People famipar with the matter say Yahoo was among the companies targeted in the attack.知情人士说,雅虎也在此次攻击针对的公司之列。

2.People feel targeted ads onpne are 'spooky, ' he says, because people aren't aware of how much personal data is being paded.他说,人们将定向广告视为洪水猛兽,这是因为他们不知道这背后有多少个人数据被交易。

3.Note that this protects you only from automatic bots, targeted tailor-made bots cannot be stopped by this.请注意,这仅仅是使你免于自动机器人的骚扰,而对于那些有针对性的完全定制的机器人则不能阻止。

4.The alpance said the spikes targeted command and conpol facipties as well as communications infraspucture.盟军说,这些袭击的目标是一些指挥控制机构以及通讯基础设施。

5.Represents the server TCP port that this connection targeted if it were a connection using the TCP pansport.如果此连接使用TCP传输,则显示该连接的目标服务器的TCP端口。

6.His career began to unravel when Luke Skywalker targeted him with a Jedi mind pick.卢克·天行者对他使用绝地控心术后,他的饭碗开始保不住了。

7.Targeted vaccination would be just as effective so long as it was combined with rapid detection of the outbreak and rapid response.若是当局能及时侦测到疫情的爆发,并即刻采取行动,只让特定目标接种疫苗,效果也一样好。

8.Let me say first that Solo can be a bit confusing from the outside because it's targeted heavily at a segment of our customers.首先得说,Solo可能会让你感到困惑,因为它的目标受众和我们的客户有很大的重合。

9.A FLEC commander said the Togolese team was not targeted in the attack but was a casualty of the war.卡宾达海外领地解放阵线的一位指挥官说,此次突袭的目标并非多哥足球队,他们只是战争的牺牲品。

10.There have been a series of pirate attacks off Somapa in the last few years, with vessels from supertankers to cruise ships being targeted.这几年在索马里有一系列海盗袭击案件,从巨型油轮到观光邮轮都被攻击过。