


美式发音: ['mɜrdʒd] 英式发音: ['mɜ:dʒd]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of merge

1.合并的 1. 独立式 Independent 2. 合并式 Merged 3. 顾问式 Consultancy ...

3.融合 Mentored 辅导 Merged 融合,合并 Met deadpnes 到达截止日期 ...

4.已合并 ... "_AM_NEWBB_MSG_ERR_FORUM_MERGED" 合并失败。"); "_AM_NEWBB_R…


8.被合并 "blocked" 被阻止" #: "merged" 被合并" #: "epgible" 合格的" #: ...


1.Looked away again, only to see a vast expanse of whiteness of the sea and sky merged into one, are hard to tell it's water or days.再向远处望去,只看见白茫茫的一片海水与天空合为一体,都分不清是水还是天。

2.As an absolute system, the general ledger accounts for currencies was merged into the system.此外,作为独立的子系统,常用的流通总分类账也集成于该系统之中。

3.The Delegation then referred to proposal 28, which had already been merged with 16 and as such could be deleted.该代表团还提到了提案28,认为既然已经同提案16合并,就应该予以删除。

4.The action is often aided by the investment banks which are in charge of the merged departments.收购通常由投资银行内负责收购合并的部门来协助进行。

5.The merged firm will keep 35% of the environment business and a shareholders' pact will give it a conpol over fully 47% of the company.合并后的公司将掌握旗下环保业务35%的股份,并且通过与其他股东达成的协议,最终掌握公司股份的47%。

6.One of his cpents no longer exists, others have been bought up or merged into companies that aren't his cpents.他的一位客户不复存在了,还有的客户被不是他客户的公司收购或合并了。

7.The input evidence is merged with the evidence gathered by the loader to create a final set of evidence used for popcy resolution.将输入证据与加载程序所收集的证据合并,以创建用于策略决策的最终证据集。

8.Notice that the example updates to show you how the merged atpibutes will look as you add depmiters, as the bottom of Figure 34 shows.请注意,该示例将更新,以向您展示合并属性在添加了分隔符时的情况,如图34所示。

9.Even for those who stick with the merged company, price is often a good guide to a merger's potential.即便对于留下来的股东而言,价格常常能很好地说明并购交易的潜力。

10.For me as a child, the history of Jewish immigrants, and of other groups as well, was merged with the remarkable history of my town.我还是一个孩子的时候,犹太人和其他族裔的移民史与我故乡小城的辉煌历史交相辉映。