




1.很冷漠 肤浅‰ Superficial dialogue Very cold. 很冷漠 Haggard. 憔悴. ...

2.非常冷 根据……而定 according to 非常冷 Very cold 找出,查明 find out ...

3.寒冷 季节 season 寒冷 very cold 炎热 scorching hot ...

4.严寒 相当寒冷 rather cold 严寒;十分寒冷 very cold 极端寒冷 ulpacold ...

5.寒冷的 *a frigid cpmate/zone 严寒的气候[地区]. 1 very cold 寒冷的; 严寒的 *a frigid glance,look,etc 冷淡的目光、神情等. ...

6.特别寒冷 ... [very cold] 特别寒冷 [Great cold] 农历二十四个节气之一 ...

7.十分寒冷 相当寒冷 rather cold 严寒;十分寒冷 very cold 极端寒冷 ulpacold ...


1.I get up slowly because I'm very cold and I walk across the dark room to the door. Perhaps it' s someone from Read Hall!因为太冷了,我缓慢地爬起来,穿过黑暗的房间向门口走去。也许是从里德宅院来的什么人!

2.His father is the year go, feel very cold in winter, hey good aspingent, how much mildew things?父亲也是年关走的,便感到冬天真的很冷,好晦好涩,怎么那么多霉事?

3.Day midnight, I slept in thin sheets suddenly feel cold, cold, as if with a very cold cold body to my body by.当天半夜的时候,我睡在薄被单里突然感觉到冰冷冰冷的,好象有一具很冷很冷的躯体向我身体靠来。

4.Its been a few days, and everyday the sky is gray and very cold outside.这几天每天的天空是灰色,外面非常冷。

5."She said she had no heat and they were very cold, and I said , sure I'll come and get you, " Ford said.福特说“她说她家里面没有暖气,冷得很,于是我就说,好啊,那我过来接你。”

6.It was a very cold morning , the sky bright and without a cloud , but Silver and his man were standing in a low mist .那是个寒冷、明亮的早晨,天上没有一丝云,西尔弗和他的同伙在低低的雾霭中站着。

7.If it had rained last night, it would be very cold today.如果昨天下了雨,今天就会很冷。

8.The weather forecast isn't accurate. It said that it will be warm today, but it turns out to be very cold instead.天气预报不太准,今天说是很暖和,结果却很冷

9.We had a similar thing in the winter when it was very cold and maybe here it was an issue, but it could have been at any other place also.我们在冬季当天气非常冷的时候遇到了类似的问题。也许这在这里也是一个问题,但在别的任何地方也可能会是一个问题。

10.It has been very cold lately but it is beginning to get a bit warmer!近来天气一直很冷,但现在正开始变暖和一些。