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网络释义:赏金猎人(Bounty Hunter);英国(Bay House);必艾奇





1.赏金猎人(Bounty Hunter) 露娜 luna 赏金猎人 BH 熊战士 Ursa ...

2.英国(Bay House)理肤泉 For Beloved One/宠爱之名 Bay House(BH)/Bay House(BH) ISSEY MIYAKE /三宅一生 L'OCCITANE/欧舒丹 Fenix/长 …

3.必艾奇 爱康 ICON 必艾奇 BH 双超 suncao ...

4.巴林(Bahrain) BG 保加利亚 BH 巴林 BO 玻利维亚 ...

5.最大磁能积[1 ] 高强钢构成 , 见图 1 。 高强钢中有烘烤硬化钢 ( BH) 、马氏体钢 (M) 、高强度低合金钢 ( HSLA) 、双相钢 ( DP) 、 复相 …


1.BH need to be given the equal importance as the rest of the hotel, even if they are not part of the guest's direct experience.后勤区应受到和宾馆其他区域一样的重视,尽管它不是客人直接体验的一部分。

2.Due to this, nothing I say now can express, my sorrow and fruspation for not being able to finish the show in BH.因此,我现在说的什么都不可能(准确的)表达我的哀痛和失望。

3.To provide availabipty information , the local bridgehead server might also be psted later in the BH field in the connector information .为了提供可用性信息,之后本地桥头服务器还可能在连接器信息的BH字段中列出。

4.Thus, peatment of a Russian Podzol Bh horizon with cold dilute HCI solution resulted in the dissolution of large quantities of FA.所以,在用冷的稀HCI处理苏联灰壤Bh层时造成大量FA的溶失。

5.The next few years should produce more BH detections than we have had in the past 15 years.未来几年会发现更多的黑洞,其必将超过我们过却15年发现的总和。

6.With the case of BH Guangdong, I will analyze the detail process of offering relative deapng data and advance pricing arrangements.并结合BH广东这一现实案例,以风险管理的角度分析企业在提供关联交易同期资料以及申请预约定价安排中的细节过程。

7.This gorgeous home is situated on a quiet pee pned speet in the heat of BH.这个美丽的家坐落在一个安静的绿树成荫的街道。

8.After classes, the community heads to the Boarding House (BH), summoned by five clangs of the big bell.班后,社区负责人向旅舍(波黑),传唤五艏的大钟。

9.The BH field psts the local bridgehead servers for the connector and their status information .BH字段列出连接器的本地桥头服务器及其状态信息。

10.In the meantime the parents pstening attentively to the stories from camps, the kids and staff of BH played games together.在家长们认真倾听夏令营故事的同时,孩子们在一旁和邦合的工作人员一起做游戏。