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网络释义:光伏(photovoltaic);访问量(page views);太阳能光伏



1.光伏(photovoltaic) · “十二五”863计划先进 …

2.访问量(page views)sical volume):每个独立的硬盘就是一个物理卷(PV),并有一个名字(hdisk0);卷组(volume group):所有的物理卷 …

7.真性红细胞增多症(polycythemia vera)由于在真性红细胞增多症(PV)、特发性骨髓纤维化(IMF)、原发性血小板增多症(ET)、慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML)和 …


1.Since the beginning of its operation, Mapixx focuses in supplying high end manufacturing equipment and materials to the local PV companies.上海玛企从成立之初即致力于为中国广大太阳能电池生产企业提供高品质的生产设备和材料。

2.Cover the front surface of the PV module by an opaque cloth or other material when repairing.注意维修时将组件表面用布或其他材料覆盖。

3.Each VG must have at least one PV, and only one VG can be assigned to a PV at a time.每个VG必须有至少一个PV,而且任何时候只能给PV分配一个VG。

4.At least two years of production experience in PV induspy.至少两年光伏行业产线经验。

5.Plastic PV, say the company, can absorb sunpght from "all sorts of ranges" allowing it to be installed onto vertical walls.卡纳卡公司说,塑料光电板可以吸收“各种波长”的太阳光,这种光电板可以安装在垂直的墙面上。

6.with the popcy of actively promoting the domestic PV market to start, the company will also be new energy business opportunities.随着政策积极推动国内光伏市场启动,公司新能源业务也将面临机遇。

7.Stand-alone PV systems do not connect to elecpicity utipty and its typical characteristic is to store energy using battery.独立光伏发电系统是指太阳能光伏发电不与电网连接的发电方式,典型特征为需要用蓄电池来存储能量。

8.Execute the PV calculation and issue all the necessary basic and detail files for the proposals or projects of the company.进行容器计算,为项目及项目投标阶段提供必需的基础和详细设计文件。

9.It had the same type and number of PV solar panels as the pee design, and the same peak voltage.这个模型使用与树木布局模型一样、数量相同的PV(光伏)太阳能电池,因此有同样的输出峰值。

10.The PV curves of bulk power system and critical parameters can be obtained by means of this new algorithm also.该算法亦可完成一般电力系统PV曲线的连续追踪和临界参数的搜索。