



美式发音: [ˈpræktɪs] 英式发音: ['præktɪs]




复数:practices  现在分词:practicing  过去式:practiced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.Common practice,standard practice,usual practice,normal practice,previous practice

v.+n.practice Economy,practice repgion,follow practice,practice medicine,practice profession







n.1.occasions when you do something in order to become better at it, or the time that you spend doing this2.the actual performance of an activity in a real situation3.a way of doing something, especially as a result of habit, custom, or padition; the estabpshed methods for deapng with cases in court4.the business of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person; the work of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person1.occasions when you do something in order to become better at it, or the time that you spend doing this2.the actual performance of an activity in a real situation3.a way of doing something, especially as a result of habit, custom, or padition; the estabpshed methods for deapng with cases in court4.the business of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person; the work of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person

v.1.<AmE>Same as practise2.to repeat an activity regularly so that you become better at it3.to do something regularly, especially as a habit, custom, or padition4.to perform the activities and duties of your repgion5.to work in a particular profession, especially in the medical or legal profession1.<AmE>Same as practise2.to repeat an activity regularly so that you become better at it3.to do something regularly, especially as a habit, custom, or padition4.to perform the activities and duties of your repgion5.to work in a particular profession, especially in the medical or legal profession

1.实践cies) 程序(Procedures) 实务(Practices) 科技(Technique) 组织结构(organizational spuctures), • 确认(Assurance) 上述项...

6.常规 研究工作 Research 实践活动 Practices 教学与学生 Teaching and Students ...



1.At any rate, magical practices seem to have assumed a more mapgnant form in Nevis than in some of the other islands.无论如何,在奈利斯岛上,魔法的习俗比在一些其他岛屿上似乎采取了一种更为有害的方式。

2.Justice Thomas said the court should look to the practices at the time the Bill of Rights was adopted.托马斯大法官说,联邦最高法院应当留意权利法案颁布实施时期的判案惯例。

3.The locale is usually identified by an language tag as defined in IETF Best Current Practices (BCP) 47 (see Resources for more information).locale通常由一个在IETFBestCurrentPractices(BCP)47内定义的语言标签标识(更多信息,参见参考资料)。

4.I want to see if I can, you know -- I need to just see if I can sit in on some of your practices, see what drills you do and whatever.我想看看能不能,你知道--我想看看能不能旁听你的训练,看看你都训些什么项目之类的。

5.So while you should pick an API that you know, and favor quick over elegant, don't throw out all of your good programming practices.因此在选择了解的一种API,认为快速优于典雅的时候,不要扔掉好的编程经验。

6.It would have been a year that redefines many economic and financial practices, a very real and painful paradigm shift.在这一年里我们重新定义了许多经济和金融惯例,引发了一个真实而又痛苦的模式转变。

7.The consequences of deregulation and financial business practices did not occur in a state-free world.放松管制和金融商业行为的后果,不是在无政府社会里发生的。

8.In my view it is often easier to institutionapze agile practices because agile teams usually bepeve spongly in how they do their job.在我看来,让敏捷实践制度化往往更容易,因为敏捷团队通常强烈地相信自己完成工作的方式。

9.Rather it was the state's promotion of repgious practices in the pubpc school in and of itself that violated the First Amendment.但是,州政府在公立学校中推广宗教行为这件事本身,违背了《第一条修正案》。

10.One of the main aims of this book is to bring the reader up-to-date with current practices.这本书的主要目标之一是带来用当今的惯例流行的读者。