

assail:[英 [əˈseɪl] 美 [əˈsel] ]


过去式:assailed;   过去分词:assailed;   现在分词:assailing;

assail 基本解释


及物动词质问; 攻击,袭击; (用言论)指责; 着手解决

assail 相关例句


1. The policemen were assailed by a shower of stones.


2. I was assailed by doubts.


3. assail的反义词

3. He assailed his studies with new determination.


assail 网络解释

1. 攻击:arrange 处理,调解 | assail 攻击 | assault 攻击

2. 纠缠:disembark 下船上岸 | assail 纠缠 | marble 玻璃球,大理石

3. assail

3. 溜之大吉:horse = 神马奔雷 | assail = 溜之大吉 | aaron = 火焰飞击

4. 抨击,指责:arsenal 军械库;兵工厂 | assail 抨击,指责 | assassinate 暗杀;行刺

assail 双语例句

1. This is the only kind of house that will be able to stand when the storms of doubt and fear assail.


2. Suddenly he was assail ed by an overwhelming inner conflict: on the one hand, he was afraid his daughter would shake her head; on the other, he was afraid to see her nod in acquiescence


3. This same argument assail ed her again; she must go, she should go, and they would not hear a refusal


4. If this Paroxysm of sorrow was to assail him again that night, there was but one place for him to be.


5. No tree become rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assail it.


6. No tree becomes rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assail it.


7. assail的反义词

7. Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on May 18 message, according to foreign media coverage, · forest of 4 Er of Michael of CEO of company of Suo Ni movie pause last week (the development of Internet of Michael Lynton) assail brings a lot of and adverse effect, appeal the government drives the control that pair of pilfer edition strengthen while the network develops.


8. The fragrance smell assail the nostrils, it is memorable, mouth


9. That Zhengyan Doo-Yan's winter jasmine; produce the brightly colored tulips; fragrance assail the nostrils of the Chinese rose; gesture of varying peony flowers, there was a string of red like fire.


10. Oh, Simplicio, if I should succeed in convincing you of the artfulness--though it is no great artistry--of this author, I should rouse you to wonder--and also to indignation--when you discovered how he, covering his cunning with the veil of your naivete and that of other mere philosophers, tries to insinuate himself into your good graces by gratifying 28 your ear and puffing up your ambition, pretending to have convicted and silenced these trifling astronomers who wanted to assail the ineradicable inalterability of the Peripatetic heavens, and what is more, to have struck them dumb and overpowered them with their own weapons.


11. assail

11. Regards these astronomers who wanted to assail the ineradicability and inalterability of the Peripatetic heavens He as trifling only, and pretends to have convicted and silenced them, and what is more. to have struck them dumb and overpowers them with their own weapons. In this way he gratifies your ear and puffs up your ambition.


12. And, upgrade as a got-up affair, the caption of assail article and diction are increasingly intense.



13. This book is not meant to assail Christianity.


14. Because I Myself am with you, and no one will assail you to harm you, because I have many people in this city.

18:10 有我与你同在,必没有人下手害你,因为在这城里我有许多的百姓。

15. assail什么意思

15. She went to the meeting on the supposition that people would not assail her with questions.


16. He was assail ed as an oppressor of the people, who ground the faces of the poor.


17. My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death assail me.


18. You ought to assail all the difficulties that may come your way with great courage.


19. To assail with abusive language; vituperate.

谩骂,辱骂:用谩骂的语言攻击;辱骂参见 scold

20. assail的解释

20. The front surface Milky Way flutters the fragrant fragrance to assail my nose; I find that I am as in a big flower garden.


assail 词典解释

1. 猛烈抨击;强烈指责

If someone assails you, they criticize you strongly.


e.g. The opposition's newspapers assail the government each day...


e.g. The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.


2. 猛烈袭击;暴力攻击

If someone assails you, they attack you violently.

e.g. Dividing his command, Morgan assailed both strongholds at the same time...


e.g. Her husband was assailed by a young man with a knife in a Glasgow park.


3. 深受…困扰;使极为苦恼

If you are assailed by something unpleasant such as fears or problems, you are greatly troubled by a large number of them.

e.g. She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity.


4. (声音或气味)侵入,刺激

If you say that a loud sound or a strong smell assails someone's ears or nostrils, you are emphasizing that it is very intense and seems shocking or unpleasant.

e.g. The scent of burning metal assailed his nostrils.


assail 英英释义


1. attack in speech or writing

e.g. The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker

Synonym: attackroundlash outsnipeassault

2. launch an attack or assault on

begin hostilities or start warfare with

e.g. Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II

Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week

Synonym: attack

3. attack someone physically or emotionally

e.g. The mugger assaulted the woman

Nightmares assailed him regularly

Synonym: assaultset onattack