

rooster:[英 [ˈru:stə(r)] 美 [ˈrustɚ] ]



rooster 基本解释

名词公鸡; [美]狂妄自负的人,好斗者


rooster 网络解释

1. 公鸡:这组由(Chinese Lady)、(Panda)、(Rooster)、(Buddha)和(Terracotta Soldier)5件作品组成的系列拼贴画,远远望去全部是栩栩如生的写实油画,明暗光影一丝不苟,物象细节不差毫厘,

2. rooster

2. 鸡:公司总部位于中国鞋都福建晋江,占地面积30余亩,建筑面积30000余平方米,具有国际先进水平的制鞋流水线,拥有员工2000多人,主要经营脚王(kft)、公鸡(rooster)两大品牌,销售网络遍及全国31个省市自治区,及欧洲、东南亚等20多个国家,

3. 雄禽:roost 鸟窝 | rooster 雄禽 | root and branch 彻底地

rooster 双语例句

1. I was born in the year of rooster.


2. rooster的反义词

2. Rooster: i'll be glad to show you...


3. I love my country In the East, stands with a rooster, its name is China.


4. Rooster: I think I've seen you around!



5. I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!


6. Now I don't know whether it was because they had overeaten, or they were just in high spirits, but —— to make a long story short —— they did not want to go back home on foot, so the rooster had to make a little carriage out of nutshells.


7. Zeb's favourite rooster was old Brewster. A very fine specimen he was, too.


8. The male Red Jungle Fowl looks a lot like a storybook rooster.


9. Happily greet the Rooster; the best for peace, the good luck shun New Year, the cause of the success of brilliant, the highlight of happiness, the good health Wan Wannian.


10. His conservative political stance was also reflected in The Alamo (1960), which he produced, directed and starred in. His patriotic stand was enshrined in The Green Berets (1968) which he co-directed and starred in. Over the years Wayne was beset with health problems. In September 1964 he had a cancerous left lung removed; in March 1978 there was heart valve replacement surgery; and in January 1979 his stomach was removed.

韦恩在政治上持保守态度,这在他自编、自导、自演的影片《边城英烈传》中有明显反映;韦恩还有一副爱国热肠,这一点在他合作导演及主演的《绿色贝雷帽》中可见一斑。1949年,韦恩凭《血战琉磺岛》获得奥斯卡最佳男主角提名,并最终靠在《大地惊雷》(1969)扮演的独眼龙Rooster Cogburn如愿封帝。1979年,韦恩还获颁国会金质奖。

11. Father-in-law or female Mei-li of the thickest, if one building, the other side need to learn glass plaque, Liang Xi tent flowers, pudding steamed bread, firecrackers, candles, fireworks, Doo-Hong, pig, rooster, coupled with the TV, such as carp as a gift.


12. rooster是什么意思

12. Entering the scenic spot of the Flying Rooster Hot Spring, one can see a pair of pagodas.



13. During his childhood, youth and maturity, the Rooster will often have problems and his life will be strewn with ups and downs.


14. That turned the farmer`s heart. So together the farmer, his wife, the ox, the horse, the cow, the goat, the ram, the rooster and the piglet tried one last time to put the giant turnip out of the garden.


15. rooster的解释

15. In both traumatic situations and emergency situations the Rooster is cool headed and can think of a solution on the spot.


16. Filmography: Drawing the Sea, Woodpecker, Playing Games, Clapping Hands, Rooster Worker, Square Bag, Folding A Hat, A-mei's Hat, Leopard Cat Learns to Cook, Sweet Dream, Little Frog, Skillful Leopard Jimi, and etc.


17. Zhang Qi said that this year the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese film festival and the 14th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival set up, Sanya is the development of cultural industries great opportunity.


18. rooster

18. He elephant 1 think the sun's rising in the east everyday be to listen to him beat 鸣son of rooster.


19. One of the long curved tail feathers of a rooster.


20. rooster的反义词

20. Rooster: I wish you the best of luck in your new job!


rooster 词典解释

1. 雄鸡;公鸡

A rooster is an adult male chicken.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 cockrooster 单语例句rooster的近义词

1. It was not so much by design that the rooster escaped the dinner table in its youth.

2. A blue glazed porcelain pot was cleverly designed with the spout shaped as a rooster's head and the handle as a rooster's tail.

3. It gradually grew a cockscomb, rooster's legs and other rooster's features as the hen's features faded.

4. The red seal features a white abstract figure of a rooster with an shining blue crest.

5. Its evil landlord forced his underage child laborers to work during the wee hours by forcing the rooster to crow before the set time.

6. With the Year of the Rooster soon to crow for the last time, the Year of the Dog is wagging its tail with anticipation.

7. For example this year has been the " Year of the Rooster " so the phrase " golden roosters heralding the daybreak " can be used.

8. A Toy rooster is displayed in a mall on the January 5 as lunar new year nears.

9. The 1981 event was named the Golden Rooster Awards because roosters were seen as diligent creatures that rose early to wake people up for work.

10. Because of a quirk in the timing between the solar and lunar calendars, there is no solar spring in the Year of the Rooster.

rooster 英英释义



1. adult male chicken

Synonym: cock