

bidder:[英 [ˈbɪdə(r)] 美 [ˈbɪdɚ] ]



bidder 基本解释

名词出价者,投标人; 命令者,嘱咐者; [牌]叫牌人


bidder 网络解释

1. 投标人:标书翻译也是投标人投标编制投标书(Bid)的依据,投标人(Bidder)必须对招标人(Tenderee)的标书内容进行实质性的响应,否则被判定为无效...共4次编辑技术翻译公司-日翻译50万字实力-第29届(北京)奥运重点项目工程翻译-简体中文翻译-繁体中文翻译.北京金舆(jinyu)技术翻译

2. 投标者:目的在于帮助各国专业分析人员能够与全球最新交易信息保持快速同步. 在此基础上,ZEPHYR更为每一笔交易中的投标者(Bidder)、卖主(Vendor)、目标公司(Target) 之间建立了动态记录关联,使用户无需进一步检索即可立即获得:

3. 出价人:但就一般而言,一个典型的要约收购通常包括如下要素:(1)它是出价人(bidder)向目标公司全体股东发出的一项购买其所持目标公司股份的要约. (2)该要约的报价较现行的股票市价有一个升水. (3)该要约所包括的条件是确定的,不可更改.

bidder 双语例句

1. bidder的意思

1. You can put your house on the market and sell it to the highest bidder.


2. When it turned out that the winning bidder was a good friend of mine, I was very happy.


3. However, the highest bidder is the Chinese enterprises.


4. If you're lucky, you'll be the high bidder and your ad will be displayed!


5. I will give the chosen bidder an example of what i require before starting.


6. I will select one bidder to finish this job.


7. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run.


8. bidder

8. Modern, efficient direct sales model: In accordance with your orders, organizational sources, we sold the good quality of Excellence for the lowest bidder.


9. With the union of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, native Livonian soldiers who previously fought alongside the Sword Brethren to eradicate Paganism from their country, now willingly fight for the highest bidder.


10. bidder是什么意思

10. When companies or individuals wish to obtain control or to buy out the owners of an existing company, the bidder will circularise the shareholders bidding a certain price per share.


11. bidder的反义词

11. Was competing for a total price of 4572 yuan; Fushan New Jinsong three-way East, Changsha Road South to block covers an area of 51, 450.4 square meters, planning construction area of 138, 910 square meters, starting price is 2260 yuan/sq m, which will eventually be starting price Qingdao Hai Wei Land Company Limited and Qingdao into Tai Business Limited was competing for a total price of 3.1 billion yuan; Sifang District Guangchang Road on the 7th Qingdao State-lung block was real estate limited liability company with a starting price competition, traded for a total amount of 9878 yuan; City Park River southeast of the North sea, Hang saddle fast northbound Qingdao eventually block the people`s livelihood development and construction of homes to total 61.6 million yuan Limited successful bidder, the same starting price is traded.


12. bidder什么意思

12. All other documents of which the bidder consider relevant to the analysis of the tender 投标人认为对甄选投标书相关的任何文件


13. It is fully understood that this guarantee takes effect from the Deadline for Submission of Bids and shall remain valid for a period of two hundred and ten (210) calendar days thereafter, and during the period of any extension thereof that may be agreed upon between you and the Bidder with notice to us, unless sooner terminated and or released by you.

这是充分理解,这保证生效的截止时间之前提交的投标,并应继续留任有效期为210 ( 210 )日历天内,并在此期间的任何延展的可能商定之间你与投标给我们的通知,除非提前终止和或释放你。

14. It is fully understood that this guarantee takes effect from the date of the bid opening and shall remain valid for a period of calendar days thereafter, and during the period of any extension thereof that may be agreed upon between you and the Bidder with notice to us, unless sooner terminated and or released by you.


15. bidder

15. According to international practice, bidder need to hand in a cash deposit or letter of guarantee from the bank.


16. Of the tender on the bidder who made a number of qualification requirements.


17. bidder

17. The bidder may tender for part or all packages, and may be rewarded part or all packages of the bidding.


18. The bidder will deposit his sealed tender document in the designated tender box at the prescribed time and place.


19. Over the years, the government, enterprises, institutions, financial institutions and the community activities of the tender successful bidder on many occasions, the scope of business throughout the world, and the quality of high-quality, thoughtful service, good reputation was very well received.


20. Construction enterprises in market competition rely on their own in addition to the quality and strength, whether the successful bidder for the tender, as well as techniques to get more profit can play a decisive role, is in an invincible position in the competition one of the important means.


bidder 词典解释

1. 出价人;投标人;竞标者

A bidder is someone who offers to pay a certain amount of money for something that is being sold. If you sell something to the highest bidder, you sell it to the person who offers the most money for it.

e.g. The sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained.


2. 努力争取者;图谋者

A bidder for something is someone who is trying to obtain it or do it.

e.g. ...bidders for two licences to develop cellular telephone systems in Greece.


bidder 单语例句bidder的翻译

1. In many cases, the actual price far exceeds the cost quoted by the winning bidder.

2. In these situations the bidder with the lowest cost structure will be the best placed.

3. The club did not identify the bidder at the time, but it was widely reported to be Glazer.

4. " Each bidder is required to go through registration procedures with the auction company, " said a Yanhuang spokesman.

5. Geely Automobile Holdings group has also been named preferred bidder for Ford Motor's Volvo car business.

6. Come October, the highest bidder can sleep in Cher's bed.

7. The central bank will then sell the soured assets to the highest bidder, he said.

8. Currently, the bidder with the highest price gets the land parcel.

9. The first bidder upped the ante with a 100 million yuan offer.

10. Sotheby's did not identify the buyer, saying only that it was an anonymous telephone bidder.

bidder 英英释义


1. someone who makes an offer

2. someone who makes a bid at cards