

supplement:[英 [ˈsʌplɪmənt] 美 [ˈsʌpləmənt] ]


过去式:supplemented;   现在分词:supplementing;   复数形式:supplements;

supplement 基本解释


名词增补,补充; 补充物; 增刊,副刊

supplement 相关例句


1. She got a part-time job to supplement the family income.


supplement 网络解释

1. supplement

1. 增补:德里达提供的诸概念之一(它们属于一个涵盖延异(differance)、书写(writing)、增补(supplement)、文本(text)等的系列概念)即踪迹(有时也作原-迹[arche-trace]),为的是扰乱符号形而上学的决定论.

2. 附录:选填输入框有:文献题名(Aticle Title)、作者(Author)、卷(Volume)、期(Issue)、附录(Supplement)、出版年(Year)、页码(Page)等字段,可根据需要选填一项或多项,也可不填.

3. 补充剂:有助於预防慢性病. 至於铁,如上所述,红肉还是铁的最佳来源,但如果在吃全谷类、豆类、燕麦的同时,也吃含维生素C的食物,也同样有帮助. 至於400 IU的维生素E,包尔营养师建议从营养补充剂(supplement)摄取.

supplement 双语例句


1. Our company is professional in the early operation of Route-based transport, support the development of the region as a supplement distribution of transport enterprises.


2. Recent studies show between one and two grams of mastic, taken daily as a supplement for just a few weeks, heals ulcers and completely deactivates H. pylori in almost three-quarters of people with ulcers--even when the bacterium was resistant to antibiotics.


3. The histology of growth plate was very different, and the height of the rat proximal tibial growth plate was reduced by inhibiting proliferative and hypertrophic zone.(5)The expression of RARγ in VAD rats was lower than those of the control and supplement. Conclusions:(1) VAD can affect skeletal development of young rats by inhibiting growth plate.(2) The earlier to supplement vitamin A, the more effective to change the effect of inhibiting.


4. Mother function is to supplement the baby`s gastrointestinal tract the number of probiotics to increase the baby`s absorption of nutrients, and can be solved by an effective bacteria caused less diarrhea, my son had eaten very effective, but can not be treated as an antidiarrheal drug.



5. Having grown in popularity since the early 1990s as a means to combat NSF fees and late payment penalties, many individuals prefer this financial tool to supplement a temporary loss of income or cover an unforeseen expense over other methods, such using high interest rate title loans or pawn shops.


6. supplement什么意思

6. The third year (1999) is devoted to interviewing master musicians for documenting their knowledge about this classification system in order to supplement, verify, and correct this project`s previous findings, and, most importantly, to understand the musicians` views through their terminology and expressions as well as the organization of repertories in the songbooks.


7. In Exp. 2, a completely randomized design was applied to evaluate the effects of wheat starches type and probiotic supplementation on the growth performance of weaned pigs. Three-hundred weaned pigs were randomly allotted to five treatments including dried wheat starch, autoclaved-cooled wheat starch, dried wheat starch with probiotic, autoclaved-cooled wheat starch with probiotic in a corn-full fat soybean meal basal diet and another one supplement antibiotic as a positive control for 28 days feeding period.



8. Participants were randomized to receive either a placebo or one of three doses of ginger supplement: 0.5 grams, 1 gram or 1.5 grams for three days before the start of chemo and three days after for the next two cycles.

参与者在开始化疗的前三天以及接下来的两个周期的后三天随机接受空白对照剂或者 0.5 克、1 克或 1.5 克三种剂量姜补充剂中的一种。

9. Activity of antioxidase can be increased by supplement of Zn MT, thereby improving the power of anti stress.

补充外源性Zn MT可提高应激机体的抗氧化物酶活性,从而提高机体的抗应激能力。

10. With the development of market economy and the more deeply reform of electric power market in our country, the electric power transaction will focus on the agreement bargaining with the supplement of the spot transactions, timely, will proceed time-bargain.


11. supplement的反义词

11. Arginine is used in medicine and biochemical research, in pharmaceutical s, and as a dietary supplement.


12. Borax or tincal: Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Na2B4O5(OH4 H2O, a soft, light, colourless crystalline mineral used as a component of glass and pottery glaze s in the ceramics industry, as a solvent for metal-oxide slags in metallurgy, as a flux in welding and soldering, and as a fertilizer additive, a soap supplement, a disinfectant, a mouthwash, and a water softener.


13. For negatively buoyant fish, hydrodynamic lift must be generated to supplement buoyancy and balance the verticalforces, ensuring that they do not sink.


14. supplement是什么意思

14. With analyses upon real traffic data, we concluded that the fusion of GPS and SCATS data gives better estimation results for urban traffic states in that it enables mutual supplement between different data sources and evaluates reasonable degrees of credibility according to their behaviors.


15. It is an important supplement to marine food chain, especially in oligotrophic pelagic marine ecosystem.


16. At that time, I gave her calcium zinc supplement is special, the children liked to drink.


17. Since then the Worship and Doctrine Measure of 1974 has given the Church of England greater freedom to control its liturgy, and in consequence the Alternative Service Book was published in 1980 to supplement with modern services, but not to supersede, the Book of Common Prayer.


18. Supplement of am oderate amount of selenium can strengthen the cellular immunity, humoral immunity and nonspecific immunity.


19. Capital Levy you paid is not the same as the full cost of Capital Levy at Eton International School, you will be required to supplement the difference.


20. Therefore it occurred as an extraordinary complex interaction relation not only of mutual restraint and polarization, independence and restriction, but alsoofmutual advantage and coincidence, infiltration and supplement, promotion and inosculation, etc.


supplement 词典解释

1. 增补;补充

If you supplement something, you add something to it in order to improve it.

e.g. ...people doing extra jobs outside their regular jobs to supplement their incomes...


e.g. I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A.

我建议你在日常饮食中补充些维生素 E 和维生素 A。

2. 营养片剂;补品

A supplement is a pill that you take or a special kind of food that you eat in order to improve your health.

e.g. ...a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement...


e.g. I took regular supplements and exercised every day.


3. (杂志或报纸的)增刊,副刊

A supplement is a separate part of a magazine or newspaper, often dealing with a particular topic.


e.g. ...a special supplement to a monthly financial magazine.


4. (书籍的)补编,补遗,附录

A supplement to a book is an additional section, written some time after the main text and published either at the end of the book or separately.


e.g. ...the supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica.


5. 额外费用;附加费

A supplement is an extra amount of money that you pay in order to obtain special facilities or services, for example when you are travelling or staying at a hotel.


e.g. If you are travelling alone, the single room supplement is £11 a night.

如果是一个人旅行,住单间每晚要多交 11 英镑。

6. 补助;补贴

A supplement is an extra amount of money that is paid to someone, in addition to their normal pension or income.


e.g. Some people may be entitled to a housing benefit supplement.


e.g. ...people who need a supplement to their basic pension.


supplement 单语例句

1. His company has been asking suppliers to sign agreements on business ethics as a supplement to each purchase contract since 2007.

2. Buying Taifook Securities would be a good supplement to CCB's business segments, analysts say.

3. The company said in a statement it will use the proceeds to repay bank loans and supplement working capital.

4. China wants to build the OTC equities market as a supplement to its stock exchanges, which have seen their total capitalization surging in recent years.

5. Some of them have sold or plan to sell assets to supplement cash, which provides opportunity for Chinese commercial banks according to the chairman.

6. The new supplement of CEPA provides 35 market liberalization and trade and investment facilitation measures in 19 sectors.

7. The supplement was a fifth supplement to CEPA that has been expanded each year since it was first signed in 2003.

8. It should increase coal conversion into liquid energy resources and chemical materials to supplement petroleum products.

9. The latter's participation will no doubt be an invaluable supplement to the police authorities'nationwide campaign to crack down on trafficking in children.

10. The program involving state funding would supplement the stockpile with an additional 31 million courses of treatment.

supplement 英英释义


1. a supplementary component that improves capability

Synonym: accessoryappurtenanceadd-on

2. a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)

Synonym: supplementation

3. textual matter that is added onto a publication

usually at the end

Synonym: addendumpostscript


1. add to the very end

e.g. He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language

Synonym: appendadd onaffix

2. add as a supplement to what seems insufficient

e.g. supplement your diet

3. serve as a supplement to

e.g. Vitamins supplemented his meager diet