

ballast:[英 [ˈbæləst] 美 [ˈbæləst] ]


过去式:ballasted;   过去分词:ballasted;   现在分词:ballasting;   复数形式:ballasts;

ballast 基本解释

名词镇流器; 压舱物,压载物; 道渣,碎石; 沉着

及物动词给某物装上压舱物; 给…铺道渣; 使稳定; 使沉着


ballast 相关例句


1. ballast

1. His training gave him ballast.


2. ballast

2. The ship was furnished with ballast.


ballast 网络解释

1. 镇流器:4.镇流器(Ballast)有寿命限制吗? (在那种情况下会烧毁)氙气灯( HID )的发光原理汽车 HID 氙气灯与传统卤素灯不同,这是一种高压放电灯,它的发光原理是利用正负电刺激氙气与稀有金属化学反应发光,因此灯管内有一颗小小的玻璃球,

2. 压舱物:另一部圣丹斯影片(Ballast)走的更远,影片本来已经卖给了IFC,可最终制片人后悔了,他拿回了发行权自己发行,又找了河滨大道发行公司(Strand更多的发行方式在今年一月的圣丹斯电影节上,电影制作者科拉

3. 压载:如何辨认:位于露井(Cockpit)最后方且服装颜色与众水手不同,通常为船主本人或其宾客. 应备条件:胆识. 第十八人必须经常抓牢以免自身掉落海中. 第十八人还必须将自身当作是压载(Ballast),不时随游艇的侧倾(Heeling)而从这一舷移到另外一舷.

4. ballast的翻译

4. 镇流管:国际整流器公司(IR),推出该公司的镇流管(ballast)设计软体最新版本. 全新IRPLBDA2软体只需简单的五个步骤,便可输出完整的镇流管设计、物料清单(BOM)及电路图(schematic)等相关资料,有效地将产品上市时程由数个月缩短至数周.

ballast 双语例句

1. As antirust paint for water ballast tank and crude oil tank.


2. Electrical lighting sourceincluding safety and photoelectrical parameter of bulb, single and double ended fluorescent lamp, self-ballast lamp


3. 100T of ballast water from Port no.1 to STBD No.2 double bottom.


4. ballast的翻译

4. Article 10 To ensure safe pilot age and docking of oil tankers and to prevent pollution of the sea areas, the ballast water kept in all empty oil tankers entering the harbor must be no less than one-fourth of the deadweight capacity of the oil tanker in question.

第十条 为保证油轮的安全引航、靠泊和防止海域污染,所有进港的空载油轮留存的压舱水不得少于该油轮载重量的四分之一。

5. Baffles within the ballast tanks minimize underisable mixing of the combined sewage overflows with the resident clean ballast water.


6. ballast的反义词

6. Apparatus and method for accommodating and handling excess deliveries of combined sewage overflows to a sewage treatment plant supported and contained within an off-shore moored vessel or platform, by diverting the excess deliveries to ballast tanks for temporary displacement of clean ballast water and to be returned to the treatment system when excess deliveries of combined sewage overflow are relieved.


7. 5With 富邦照明 electronics ballast and T5 HE series lights. The ballast has the characteristic of mo noise interference, quick start, no strobo, good shining degree and long life.


8. A sum not exceeding the gross freight or hire for the current cargo passage and next succeeding cargo passage (such insurance to include, if required, a preliminary and an intermediate ballast passage) plus the charges of insurance.

20.1.3 航次合同下的运费或租金:其金额不得超过本次及下次载货航程的毛运费或租金(如要求,本保险可以包括一个预备航次和一个中间空载航次在内)再加上保险费。

9. ballast在线翻译

9. Anticipated Freight if the Vessel sails in ballast and not under Charter A sum not exceeding the anticipated gross freight on next cargo passage, such sum to be reasonably estimated on the basis of the current rate of freight at time of insurance plus the charges of insurance Any sum insured under 2012 to be taken into account and only the excess thereof may be insured

船舶空载航行且未出租时的预期运费:其金额不得超过基于投保时运费率合理估算的下次载货航程的预计总运费,加上保险费。根据第2012 项投保的金额应予考虑,仅其超额部分可以保险。


10. This was repaired with 3-hour cure marine grade epoxy, and the entire ballast tank area was recoated on the inside with another layer of fiberglass cloth laid in to increase the hull wall thickness.


11. The invention relates to a plane lighting display with side ballast and relative production. Wherein, it comprises a sealing vacuum chamber formed by front glass panel, back glass panel and around glass frame; the anode electrode layer at the front glass panel and the fluorescent powder layer on the anode layer; the control grid for controlling the electron emission; the insulated support wall and auxiliary gettering element; the back glass panel is arranged with side ballast structure for adjusting the current direction of the cathode of carbon nanometer tube and adjusting the luminescent electron emission. And it has simple structure, low cost and high reliability.


12. The readiness of a vessel for sailing with regard to ballast, sails, and yards.


13. ballast的近义词

13. Electronics hundred people committed to become the world's ultra-violet disinfection lamp electronic ballast industry pioneer and leader.


14. ballast的近义词

14. A very light composing empennage allows to balance the model without adding any ballast to the nose.


15. Company specializing in the production of energy-saving lamps, fluorescent lamp frame, plate Grille, electronics, and outdoor lamp ballast inductance ballasts, etc..


16. Therefore, the use of gas ballast reduces oil degradation and pump corrosion.


17. ballast的解释

17. A new design of electronic ballast and its analysis have been presented.


18. ballast

18. The system of Automotive head lamp electronic ballast is one of the most popular research subjects.


19. It is difficult to analyze and design a electronic ballast due to a large amount of harmonic.


20. The electronic ballast has many advantages, such as small size, light weight and energy-saving.


ballast 词典解释

1. 压舱物;镇重物

Ballast is any substance that is used in ships or hot-air balloons to make them heavier and more stable. Ballast usually consists of water, sand, or iron.


ballast 单语例句

1. A federal court in California has held that the Clean Water Act applies to ballast water and ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges.

2. They filled the boat's ballast tank with seawater to add more weight, but that did not work directly.

3. Race two was more of a struggle, with Priaulx starting eighth with a 45 kg load of ballast.

4. The importance of the China factor is growing and its role as a " ballast " is widely recognized.

5. The Sailing Center seaside area shows complicated geological composition of both natural rock soil and backfilled earth of high permeability containing crushed stones and ballast.

6. They come mostly from ship hulls and the water ships take on as ballast, but also get dumped into bays from home aquariums.

7. It is believed they arrived in Europe via the holds of ships that draw in water to act as ballast.

8. Unfortunately changing ballast water at sea takes time - and time in the shipping industry is money.

9. For historical purposes, there are paving stones which were used as ballast during ancient times.

10. And cholera bacteria in ballast water has been released by marine vessels into the Mobile and Chesapeake bays.

ballast的反义词ballast 英英释义


1. any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship

2. an electrical device for starting and regulating fluorescent and discharge lamps

Synonym: light ballast

3. a resistor inserted into a circuit to compensate for changes (as those arising from temperature fluctuations)

Synonym: ballast resistorbarretter

4. an attribute that tends to give stability in character and morals

something that steadies the mind or feelings

5. coarse gravel laid to form a bed for streets and railroads


1. make steady with a ballast