

constellation:[英 [ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑ:nstəˈleɪʃn] ]



constellation 基本解释

名词星座; 一群杰出人物; 一系列(相关的想法、事物); 一群(相关的人)


constellation 网络解释

1. 群集:等群集(constellation). 现在,运动开始了. 它在远距离刺激物体和有机体之间形成一种新的关系,于是我们有了M1Sp1F1. M1是F. 的结果,它通过改变Sp而改变了F. ,而且只有通过使F. 失去它的导致M的力才能做到这一点;也就是说,F1和自我之间的力必须比F.

constellation 双语例句

1. Part of the larger constellation of Ursa Major, the bright dipper stars above are named Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar/Alcor, and Alkaid. Of course, stars in any given constellation are unlikely to be physically related.


2. The cloud, called M17, or the Swan nebula, is located about 6, 000 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.

云,称为M17 ,或天鹅星云,位于约6000光年的人马座星座。

3. Capricorn is not a bright constellation, but the Shura glory, no one can hide.


4. constellation什么意思

4. The new infrared image shows the object as a speck of light near the star Beta Pictoris, which is 70 light-years from Earth, toward the constellation Pictor.


5. constellation是什么意思

5. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Vela and Lupus.


6. A mere 6, 000 light-years distant and sailing through the constellation Vela, star cluster RCW 38 is full of powerful stars.



7. A school of minnows rises up, flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation.


8. If you could see the stars at daytime, you`d see that the sun is in front of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer today.


9. If you could see the stars at daytime, you ` d see that the sun is in front of the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer today.


10. On sky maps, Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer is depicted as holding Serpens the Serpent, which is considered a separate constellation.


11. Even today, the Staff of Asclepius – the symbol of the World Heath Organization – pays tribute to the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer.


12. II Zw 96 is located in the constellation of Delphinus, the Dolphin, about 500 million light-years away from Earth.

II Zw 96位于海豚座,距地球约5亿光年。

13. constellation

13. Next year, our country will launch the environment that constitutes by 3 moonlet and calamity to monitor forecast moonlet constellation, plan to be inside the 2 time that come 3 years, increase satellitic amount 7, so that opposite condition is destroyed, annulus


14. constellation

14. Ershibaqi the angle, Kang, serious procedural, the heart, tail, Kei seven places form a complete dragon-shaped constellation, Spica like dragon's angle.


15. Because of wide range of application of embroideries and cross-stitch, Aimai Qite has continuously conducted research on workmanship and application of cross-stitch through exploring traditional Chinese cultures and taking into account the ideas and lifestyles of the present society, and has developed cheap products suitable for lives of the common people, such as tens of varieties of cross-stitch slippers, cushion, perfume bag, handset chain, tablecloth, handset case, auto seating, etc.; introduced new ideas in terms of designs, such as Christmas series, constellation series, twelve animals series, cartoon series, animal series, scenery series, home decoration series, Chinese folk custom series, etc.

Development and Prospect of Cross-stitch 随着百姓生活水平的提高,人们广泛地渴望,精神消费,时尚消费,个性化消费,由于刺绣,十字绣应用范围广泛,安迈琪特在经过对中国传统文化的发掘,结合当今社会的理念及生活方式,在工艺水平及十字绣实用性方面,不断的研究,已开发出适合百姓生活之用及价格低廉的产品,如十字绣拖鞋,近几十种,靠枕,香包,手机链,台布,手机套,汽车座套等,在图案上大胆引入新的理念,如开发了圣诞系列,星座系列,生肖系列,卡通系列,动物系列,风景系列,家居装饰系列,中国民俗系列等。


16. One way to find the galaxy is by finding the Great Square in the constellation Pegasus.


17. constellation

17. A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.



18. What I have done in the project are listed below: A: Read papers associated with my project and get familiar with basic principal of the system. B: Complete the design of byte to symbol mapping、differential encoding and constellation to I, Q mapping of transmitter of software simulation system.



19. We are wont to imagine rare and delectable places in some remote and more celestial corner of the system, behind the constellation of Cassiopeia's Chair, far from noise and disturbance.


20. One star of constellation draw straight line after celestial being, in get to can find the north star from office too


constellation 词典解释

1. 星座

A constellation is a group of stars which form a pattern and have a name.

e.g. ...a planet orbiting a star in the constellation of Cepheus.


2. 一群,一组(相似的事物)

A constellation of similar things is a group of them.

e.g. Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them...


e.g. The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes.


constellation 单语例句constellation的翻译

1. It would add to the secret constellation of satellites that now circle the Earth, producing still images that are pieced together into one large mosaic.

2. Walking clockwise from north to south, every visitor can find out his own constellation in the garden.

3. " The Pleiades, " or " Seven Sisters " are a group of stars in the Taurus constellation.

4. The newly discovered black hole has a mass equivalent to 17 billion suns and is located inside the galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus.

5. But whether a constellation of factors to make human spaceflight routine will come together as they did for aviation seems less certain.

6. The constellation would enable China to have a stable and efficient forecasting and service network for environmental and natural disaster monitoring.

7. Wang said the satellite constellation system is the most advanced and complicated of the kind up to date in China.

8. The satellite constellation system is listed as a key in civilian satellite development in " China Space Development White Paper " published in 2001.

9. He said Constellation has been replaced by a " mission to nowhere " and called on NASA to make plans to return to the Moon.

10. Treasury is Australia's largest winemaker and ranks behind only Constellation Brands Inc in global wine sales.

constellation 英英释义


1. an arrangement of parts or elements

e.g. the outcome depends on the configuration of influences at the time

Synonym: configuration

2. a configuration of stars as seen from the earth