

phosphorus:[英 [ˈfɒsfərəs] 美 [ˈfɑ:sfərəs] ]


phosphorus 基本解释

名词[化]磷; 磷光体

phosphorus 相关例句


1. No animal or plant can exist without phosphorus.


phosphorus 网络解释

1. phosphorus的近义词

1. 磷:严格规定 机油中 硫酸盐灰(Sulphated Ash) ,磷(Phosphorus) , 硫(Sulphur) 的含量,一般简称 (SAPS),用以避免引擎 多多少少都会吃(烧)机油的状况下, 机油燃烧后的废气中的硫酸盐灰(Sulphated Ash) ,磷(Phosphorus) , 硫(Sulphur) 会污染 汽油车触媒,

2. 磷质:Calcium钙质 70mg | Phosphorus磷质 47mg | Sodium钠质 20mg


3. 含磷的:phone connector (通讯线)插头 | phosphorus 含磷的 | photo detector 光监测装置

4. 磷(化学符号P):phloem [植]韧皮部 | phosphorus 磷(化学符号P) | photodegradable mulch 光降解膜

phosphorus 双语例句

1. Gallium recovery technology used to recover gallium from recycle solution in Bayer process, zinc leach residue, coal fly ash and fly ash in the production of yellow phosphorus, and its recent progress are discussed.



2. Of Yangquan City was built in 1957, enterprises are equipped with 4 sets of milling machines, 4 sets of wet-sanding machine, Enamel Reactor 6, stainless steel reactor 7, a set of phosphorus trichloride production plant.


3. This invention provides a method for preparing hydrogenation catalyst containing phosphorus supported by aluminum oxide. The catalyst is composed of nickel oxide 1-10 wt.%, molybdena oxide and tungsten oxide 10-50 wt.


4. Phosphorus oxide 1-10 wt.%, and aluminum oxide. The molar ratio of tungsten oxide to molybdena oxide is 2.6-30. The method comprises introducing nickel oxide, molybdena oxide, tungsten oxide and phosphorus oxide into aluminum oxide carrier.


5. phosphorus是什么意思

5. The Engebei sands from Hobqi Desert were analyzed with the sequential extraction method, and the various forms of phosphorus and their content distributions were revealed.


6. In NPK production, a correct selection and mixing of raw material varieties is very important to avoid phosphorus degradation.


7. phosphorus的意思

7. A proper percentage of soluble phosphates can meet the need of crops'growth, leading to a low fixation of phosphorus and a good return.


8. phosphorus什么意思

8. A suggestion is put forward to adding H2SO4 or (NH4)2SO4 into the mother liquor after calcium nitrate tetrahydrate separated for a further removal of residual Ca, thus the Ca content can be decreased to 0.35% from the previous 3.4%, and the viscosity of neutralized slurry to 0.04 ~0.08 Pa·s, with nice fluidity of slurry Water soluble phosphorus accoun ts to 88%~90%, and the process improves the adaptability of phosphate rock to nitrophosphate production.

提出分离四水硝酸钙后的母液加入H2SO4或(NH4)2SO4进一步除去母液中残钙,可使母液中钙含量由3.4%降到0.35%以下,中和器中料浆粘度可降到0.04~0.08 Pa·s,料浆流动性很好,产品中磷的水溶率可达88%~90%,并提高了硝酸磷肥生产对磷矿的适应能力。

9. phosphorus

9. The dehydration of sulphonyl derivatives of N-alkylformamide using phosphorus oxychloride in the presence of triethylamine at 0-10℃ provides a useful method for the preparation on sulphonylmethyl isocyanides e. g.


10. The optimal temperature for its growth was 27℃. When the temperature was either lower than 5℃ or higher than 37℃, it grew slowly and its P removing effect was poor. The optimal temperature for its phosphorus removal was 20℃.


11. Chemical shift and P-H coupling constant were determined for each phosphorus compound, through the decoupling and non-decoupling 31P-NMR spectrograms. In the part of discussion, with the 31P-NMR spectrograms of organic phosphorus pesticides in different structures, difference among the electronegativitis of the four elements directly connecting to 31Pwere given to show the relationship between the chemical shifts and structures for phosphorus compounds, according to the electron cloud spherical symmetry theory. Difference of the chemical shifts among the similar-structured compounds was also analyzed from the angle of conjugation and inducement in electron cloud density theory.


12. The results indicate that when ammonium sulfate concentration increase, the content of cobalt in the film increase, whereas the content of nickel and phosphorus in the film decrease, the microstructure convert from hcp α-Co solid solution to fcc β-Co solid solution, the parallel coercivity increase remarkably, however the squareness ratio change slightly.


13. It is in addition to iron and carbon containing silicon, manganese, elements such as phosphorus and sulfur.


14. Three protozoa (Bodo edax, Colpoda cucullus, Amoeba proteus) were isolated from soil. The porous simulation with glass bead, soil column and root box incubation experiments were made to study the association of protozoa movement with phosphorus translocation and its influencing factors. The effects of protozoa on corn growth and corn straw mineralization were also involved. The results showed that protozoa movement in glass bead column was greatly controlled by the pore sizes. Bodo edax, about 5-7 m, could pass through the pores of 28-2011 m in diameters. Colpoda cucullus (30-60 m) could move through the pores of 155~116 m. However, no Amoebaproteus(100~150 m) was found in the effluents from all the columns. All the three protozoa made 32P redistribution in soil column.

本研究利用土壤中常见的3种原生动物(梨波豆虫Bodo edax、僧帽肾形虫Colpoda cucullus、大变形虫Amoeba proteus),通过玻璃珠孔隙模拟、土柱及根箱培养试验,研究3种原生动物运动与磷素运移之间的关系及其影响因素,以及原生动物对玉米磷素营养的影响,同时对3种原生动物在玉米秸秆分解中的作用做了初步的探索,研究结果表明:原生动物的运动与孔隙密切相关,Bodo edax(5~7μm)能够穿过28~20μm孔隙,Colpoda cucullus (30~60μm)只能穿过155~116μm的孔隙,而Amoeba proteus(100~150μm)不能从玻璃柱中流出。

15. In addition, the minority carrier lifetime of the PS after removing the phosphorus silicon layer is measured to be ~3.19 μs.


16. The urbanization rate and fertilizer has negative significant correlation in Beijing various areas in 1995, the urbanization rate and organic fertilizer has significant correlation, the correlation between urbanization rate and surplus phosphorus was not remarkable. The correlation between urbanization rate and nutrient cycling indicators were not remarkable.


17. Currently 14 existing products, according to campaign is divided into four categories: one category is phosphorus chemical series, to yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, sodium tripolyphosphate-based, phosphoric acid, sodium tripolyphosphate of the 50, 000 tons/Year; second category is the chlor-alkali series, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, liquid chlorine, hydrazine hydrate, polyethylene butyral mainly three types of products is manganese, manganese powder, manganese ingots, mainly Electrolytic Manganese, One Electrolytic Manganese annual production capacity of 10, 000 tons, manganese ingot processing capacity 15, 000 tons/year; four other products, including oxygen, acetylene, such as selenium dioxide.


18. phosphorus

18. FeP〓 is obtained from the alloying reaction of iron and phosphorus, which resulted from the reduction of Fe 〓 and reduced from Fe 〓 by hydrogen phosphide and decomposition of the hydrogen phosphide, respectively.



19. With aluminum treatment, aluminum absorption of wheat seedling increased swiftly, the contents of calcium and phosphorus decreased, the efflux of potassium reduced, and Scout 66 (Al-sensitive) had a distinct change than Altas (Al-tolerant).

铝处理后,小麦幼苗铝吸收迅速增加、钙和磷含量下降、钾外流受抑制,铝敏感品种Scout 66比耐铝品种Altas 66明显。

20. phosphorus

20. The materiel balance of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the static examination shows: In eliminating of the nitrogen, Ipomea aquatica absorbing and the artificial medium nitrify contributing up to 31.8% and 38.7%; in eliminating the phosphorus, the contribution that Ipomea aquatica absorbing is 26.7%.


phosphorus 词典解释


Phosphorus is a poisonous yellowish-white chemical element. It glows slightly, and burns when air touches it.

phosphorus 单语例句

1. Phosphorus ore is a major raw material for diammonium phosphate, a chemical fertilizer.

2. Chu said medical checks showed that his wife and son were poisoned with organic phosphorus, a chemical used in pest control.

3. Its aluminum, phosphorus and coal resources rank among the top five in China.

4. Quarantine personnel said the pig may have eaten food that contained phosphorus, but the pork would not be harmful if it were cooked thoroughly.

5. But more than 20 million hectares are deficient in phosphorus and potassium.

6. A report from the provincial environmental monitoring center said the lake had been heavily polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus over the past five months.

7. The coal is of fine quality because of its low phosphorus and sulfur contents.

8. Provincial officials also said they intend to ban the use of detergents that contain phosphorus, one of the key chemicals responsible for the algae bloom on the lake.

9. There are no figures on the exact amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus that flow into the Yangtze River in the area.

10. The rules include a ban on all projects involving discharges containing ammonia and phosphorus.

phosphorus 英英释义


1. a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonly in inorganic phosphate rocks and as organic phosphates in all living cells

is highly reactive and occurs in several allotropic forms

Synonym: Patomic number 15