

drunken:[英 [ˈdrʌŋkən] 美 [ˈdrʌŋkən] ]


drunken 基本解释

形容词酒醉的; 常醉的; 酗酒的

drunken 反义词




drunken 网络解释

1. 酒醉的:drumhead 鼓膜 | drunken 酒醉的 | dry climate 乾燥气候

2. 酗酒:drug act 毒品条例 | drunken 酗酒 | dry mouth 口干

3. drunken

3. 酒醉:Drugstore 药局 | drunken 酒醉 | Dry Cleaners 干洗剂

4. 拳头:Spanking猴子 | Drunken拳头 | No阴影反撞力

drunken 双语例句

1. Drunken Rage: Gragas guzzles brew from his cask, restoring mana over a short period of time.


2. drunken在线翻译

2. Adenhart and two others were killed early yesterday when a suspected drunken driver apparently ran a red light and smashed into their car.



3. The drunken man kicked up a shindy outside the house where his employer lived.


4. Of course, alcohol has myriad effects, such as impairing self-control, and it is hard to know which is the biggest factor in drunken rampages.


5. Michael: What, a drunken fuck so you don`t have to think about your dad.


6. Owing to the slang words that had been used and to the piggish behavior of a drunken man who had got himself chucked, she was laughing at those proceedings still.



7. The drunken little costdrawer and his brother, the cornet player.


8. Gary's family that, although Ku I should assume primary responsibility for this, but Zhang, as organizers, knowing that Gary drunken driving cases, allowed to go home, set their safety is at stake, we should also bear 30% of the responsibility, so...


9. And thou shalt say to them: Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Dring ye, and be drunken, and vomit: and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword, which I shall send among you.


10. drunken什么意思

10. My wife and I were sitting at a table at my school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.


11. drunken什么意思

11. Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz; the cup also shall pass through unto thee: thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked.

哀4:21 在乌斯地的以东民哪、只管欢喜快乐。苦杯也必传到你那里。你必喝醉、以致露体。

12. The new law also made New York one of a dozen states to require all convicted drunken drivers to use an ignition interlock device that prevents them from driving their cars if they are drunk.


13. He was a drunken old hypocrite, and he was ready to sell my poor little girl to the highest bidder.


14. A drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus.


15. drunken的意思

15. The concept is used exclusively for a woman a rest - it's quite prostrate after drunken beauty of the rhyme on it, even more Ambilight's foreign flavor, yes, chaise couch the history of Chinese and Western history of beauty!


16. drunken的意思

16. Make ye him drunken: for he magnified himself against the LORD: Moab also shall wallow in his vomit, and he also shall be in derision.

48:26 你们要使摩押沉醉,因她向耶和华夸大。她要在自己所吐之中打滚,又要被人嗤笑。

17. The drunken, the dissipated, and the criminal have disappeared; t he more sober and orderly part of the population have not yet awakene d to the labors of the day, and the stillness of death is over the st reets; its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and lifeless a s they look in the gray, somber light of daybreak.


18. The drunken, the dissipated, and the criminal have disappeared; the more sober and orderly part of the population have not yet awakened to the labors of the day, and the stillness of death is over the streets; its very hue seems to be imparted to them, cold and lifeless as they look in the gray, somber light of daybreak.


19. They reeled and staggered like a drunken man, And were at their wits'end.

107:27 他们摇摇晃晃,东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人;他们的智慧无法可施。

20. This city was attacked by Emperor Charles and his armada led by admiral Andrea Doria the next year and sacked, as drunken Spaniards and Germans murdered, raped, and looted.


drunken 词典解释

1. 酒醉引起的;与酒醉有关的

Drunken is used to describe events and situations that involve people who are drunk.


e.g. The pain roused him from his drunken stupor...


e.g. He hit her with a frying pan during a drunken brawl.


2. 醉酒的;酗酒的

A drunken person is drunk or is frequently drunk.

e.g. Groups of drunken hooligans smashed shop windows and threw stones.



One night Bob stormed drunkenly into her house.


He was arrested for drunkenness on his way to the football ground.

他在去足球场的路上因醉酒闹事而被捕。drunken 单语例句

1. De Juan said flight disruptions are mostly caused by drunken passengers, but this time alcohol hadn't played a part.

2. Three drunken coworkers were arrested for robbing a cab driver of his cell phone and cash to prove to someone that they were mighty.

3. Police thought the caller was a drunken driver and sent 10 officials in search for him.

4. Additionally, the chance of dying in a drunken driving accident was put at 11 percent.

5. She was a big part of my life and there's stuff that happened in the past with my drunken ways that I needed to address.

6. Lohan served 84 minutes in jail last month after pleading guilty to misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges unrelated to the 2005 crash.

7. She had entered treatment in August after reaching a plea deal on misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges following two arrests.

8. China's top court has made it clear that victims of drunken driving accidents have a legal right to seek compensation from insurance companies.

9. A drunken young man died in his sleep in a supposedly " haunted " flat, further convincing neighbors that there is a ghost in the apartment.

10. The Suzhou embroidery The Drunken Beauty was also involved in a copyright infringement action.

drunken的反义词drunken 英英释义



1. given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol

e.g. a bibulous fellow

a bibulous evening

his boozy drinking companions

thick boozy singing

a drunken binge

two drunken gentlemen holding each other up

sottish behavior

Synonym: bibulousboozysottish