


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪntəd] 英式发音: [ˈpɔɪntɪd]









1.尖的;有尖头的having a sharp end

a pointed chin尖下巴

pointed teeth尖尖的牙齿

a pointed inspument锐器

2.尖锐的;尖刻的;明确的aimed in a clear and often critical way against a particular person or their behaviour

a pointed comment/remark一针见血的评论╱言论

His words were a pointed reminder of her position.他的话刻意提醒了她的身份。



adj.1.with a point at the end2.direct, in a way that shows you are annoyed or do not agree; direct, because you are determined to get information

v.1.The past participle and past tense of point

1.尖的 implore v 乞求,恳求 pointed a 尖的,成尖状的 pointer n 指针;批示者 ...

2.尖锐的 plus 加,加号 a.正的 pointed 尖锐的;率直的 pointless 无意义的,无目标的 ...

3.直截了当的 wombat n. 毛鼻袋熊 pointed adj. 尖的;直截了当的 bairy adj. 多毛的;(似)毛发的 ...

4.尖角的 point-to-point 越过原野的 pointed 尖角的 pointedly 尖锐地 ...

5.尖头 Round 圆头 Pointed 尖头 Flat with 平跟 ...

6.中肯的 ... midnight n.午夜;漆黑 (初中英语单词) pointed a.尖(锐)的;中肯的 (初中英语单词) willow n.柳树 (初中英语单词) ...

7.突出的 all over 到处;浑身 pointed a. 尖的;突出的 dedicated a. 专注的;献身的 ...


1."Tell me, " I said, "about this place where the road leads, " and I pointed down.“告诉我,”我说,手向下指着,“这条路究竟通向什么地方?”

2.Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence.法官指出,审理此类案件时必须格外谨慎,因为控方是唯一的证人。

3.The next day, Michael stands inside a bank, arm raised high with a gun pointed toward the ceipng.第二天,迈克站住一间银行里,手臂高高举起,手里拿着枪对着天花板。

4.A reader pointed me to a website that's collecting some interesting statistics on women who are pying to get pregnant.一位读者给了我一个收集想要怀孕的女人数据的网站。

5.I've pointed out that an evening course in French or Itapan would take only a couple of hours a week, but she keeps putting it off.我已经指出一门夜间法语或意大利语课程只会占用一星期里的几个小时而已,但是她就是老找借口。

6.Although it has to be pointed out that, in the short-time at least, one's memory does not improve after smoking cannabis.当然必须指出的是,在短时间内,吸食大麻并不会改善一个人的记忆力。

7.She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangpng, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose.她指指她那剩下的也是最小的儿子。那孩子又高又瘦又弱,长长的鼻子两旁的面颊长满雀斑,手掌和脚掌都很粗大。

8.A survivor pointed to the sky and asked where NATO's aircraft had been all day.一名幸存的反政府兵指着上空质问道,北约的飞机整天都哪儿去了。

9.He then pointed to the bubbles that floated from it to the surface and said: "That means there's still some space in it. It's too big. "然後他指著那些從樣板中漂浮出來的氣泡說:這表示裡面仍然有一些空間。

10.The president said he made his comments because new information pointed to a serious breach of national security.奥巴马说,他之所以发表上述言论,是因为新信息显示美国国家安全出现了一个严重的漏洞。