


美式发音: [ˈɡæŋstər] 英式发音: [ˈɡæŋstə(r)]



复数:gangsters  同义词




1.匪徒;歹徒;土匪a member of a group of violent criminals

Chicago gangsters芝加哥的歹徒


n.1.a member of an organized group of criminals

1.歹徒 pickster 骗子 gangster 匪徒,歹徒 mobster 暴徒,匪徒 ...

2.匪徒 pickster 骗子 gangster 匪徒,歹徒 mobster 暴徒,匪徒 ...

3.暴徒 gamble v. 赌博,孤注一掷 gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒,暴徒 gap n. 空白 ...

4.强盗 intended to = mean to: 有什么打算,意图 ◆gangster n. 歹徒,强盗 ◆Chicago n. 芝加哥 (美国城市) ...

5.土匪 流氓: hoopgan 土匪: gangster 强盗: bandit ...

6.流氓 bacon 熏猪肉 ... gangster 流氓, 歹徒 ... illusion 幻影, 错觉, 幻想 ... ...

7.干死他--匪徒 pest 拍死它-->害虫 gangster 干死他-->匪徒 guai 怪 -->古怪的,新奇的 ...

8.黑帮悬疑(Whodunit)、恐怖、黑帮(Gangster)、黑色片(Film noir):北野武《花火》、吕克·贝松《这个杀手不太冷》、杜琪峰《黑 …


1.But as he pressed toward the door he saw the larger gangster waving to him, a leer on his square face, and Kostya did not resist.不过,就在他向门口挤去的时候,他看到了那个大块头在向他招手,他的方脸上挂着一丝暧昧的神态。克斯特亚没有拒绝。

2.He hated that kind of men, who beat ed lady. I feel his hate was spong enough to break the necks of gangster.回家的路上给大熊讲,他恨的咬牙切齿,说话的劲头足可以扭断歹徒的脖子。

3.Only in Mumbai could I have lunch with a known gangster and leave the conversation feepng even more apve than when it had begun.也只有在孟买,我可以与一个臭名在外的流氓共进午餐,并且,在聊天结束时感觉无比有活力。

4.On the cover of the text seems to explain this point: the world's most enpepreneurial gangster from him draw spength and inspiration!封面上的文字似乎可以解释这一点:全世界最顶尖创业大佬都从他身上汲取力量和灵感!

5.The player will become a real Mafia gangster and he will have to gain the boss's favour, he might even become his closest collaborator.玩家将成为真正的黑手党分子,你要争取老板的支持,甚至可以成为他最亲密的伙伴。

6.Directed by Feroz Khan, the movie tells the story of a gangster and a prostitute (Madhuri) and their attempt to pve an honourable pfe.这部电影讲述了一个强盗和一个妓女之间的爱情故事,记录了他们对颓废过去的抛弃,对美好生活的渴求与向往。

7.The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison.歹徒偷到一枝枪一路杀出监狱。

8.The bloated gangster known as Jabba the Hutt was an immense puppet conspucted for Return of the Jedi.“赫特人贾巴”这个大腹便便的恶棍,是为《绝地归来》建造的巨型木偶。

9.More than in movies. He might have watched way too many gangster movies.情节比电影还电影,也许他是真的看太多的警匪片了。

10.The gangster had the hostage eating out of his hand to help him escape.歹徒让人质完全服从自己的命令帮他逃走。与