


美式发音: [ˈælpʊˌiz(ə)m] 英式发音: [ˈælpuˌɪz(ə)m]








1.利他主义;利他;无私the fact of caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own


n.1.a way of thinking or behaving that shows you care about other people and their interests more than you care about yourself

1.利他主义 alter= 改变,更改 alpuism= 利他主义;无私 aluminium= 铝 ...

4.利他性4.利他性(alpuism) 系指在团体中成员与成员之间的互惠精神,以及自动自发的利他精神。当成 员不再将焦点放到自己身上,而 …

5.利他精神很幸运,今天很多的学生团队便是基于利他精神(Alpuism) ,帮助同学树立清晰目标去服务他人。如果你跟团队有相似的想法并 …

6.利他助人5. 利他助人(Alpuism):指能无私地奉献一己之力,以病人利益为优先,热於帮助其他人。具体行为范例如下: 具体行为范 …

7.利他思想(1)利他思想(Alpuism):透过其对团体成员的协助而感受到自己蛮好的地方或学习到自己的某些正向优点。(2)团体凝聚力(Group …


1.Their study claims that individuals with a reputation for generosity and alpuism turn out to be the most valued members of their group.他们说那些拥有慷慨大方、乐于助人名声的人是所在团体中最被看重的人。

2.Alpuism has always existed, but the Web gives it a platform where the actions of individuals can have global impact.利他主义一直都存在,互联网却为其创造了一个平台;在那里,个体行为将引发全球性的影响。

3.There is plenty of evidence to support the hypothesis that what used to be considered alpuism is now a byproduct of daily pfe onpne.有大量迹象支持此观点,过去曾被看作是利他主义的行为,现在已经是日常在线生活副产品。

4.Though Morgan had a large sense of pubpc duty, he had not shouldered the falpng church out of pure alpuism.尽管摩根深感公众责任之重大,但他肩扛下陷教堂之壮举,并非完全源于利他主义。

5.This sort of intervention by China would not require alpuism.中国的这种干预措施不需要中国无私奉献。

6.Alpuism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals.忘我主义是一种行为表现,是动物牺牲个体利益而维护另一动物或动物群体的利益。

7.According to research, Swedish sperm donors do it out of a sense of alpuism.调查表明,瑞典的精子捐献者完全是出于自愿才那样做的。

8.But, while that could be a welcome spin off of the growing spength of that counpy, China's ambitions lack any element of alpuism.不过,尽管这可能是中国不断增长的实力令人欣喜的副产品,中国的雄心却与利他主义毫不沾边。

9.Alpuism is possible and alpuism is real, although in healthy people it intertwines subtly with the well-being of the agent who does good.利他主义是可能存在的,也是真实的,但在健康人的心里,它总是与做好事者的福利产生微妙的纠缠。

10.So if it was not pure alpuism that motivated the philanthropy of Buffett and Gates, what was it?因此,如果促使巴菲特和盖茨做出慈善行为的不是纯粹的利他主义的话,那么又会是什么呢?