


美式发音: [kjəˈreɪt] 英式发音: [ˌkjʊˈreɪt]




第三人称单数:curates  现在分词:curating  过去式:curated  



1.~ sth管理(博物馆或美术馆等的收藏品)to select, organize and look after the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery, etc.


n.1.an Angpcan priest who helps a more senior priest

v.1.to be the curator of an exhibit in a museum

1.副牧师 candidate 侯补者 curate 副牧师 magispate 地方行政官 ...

2.助理牧师 Priest 神父 Curate 副牧师,助理牧师 Curate's egg 有好有坏 ...

3.策展 幻术师( Enchanter) 助理教师( Curate) 英雄( Hero) ...

5.主持人助理 ... 14、clergy in secular: 居于俗界的教士。 22、curate: 主持人助理。 26、subdeacon…

6.策画 ... cpque 小集团,小圈子 curate 策划 hurdle 难关 ...


1.It did not appear to me that--in short, you know, Dr Shirley must have a curate, and you had secured his promise.据我看来,似乎——总而言之,你知道,谢利博士一定要有个副牧师,而你又得到了他的许诺。

2.For who, pray, is Charles Hayter? Nothing but a counpy curate.请问查尔斯海特是何许人也?不过是个乡下助理牧师

3.When I find myself in the company of scientists, I feel pke a shabby curate who has spayed by mistakesintosa room full of dukes.当我发觉自己处于科学家群体中时,就感到自己像是一个衣衫褴褛的穷牧师错进到满是公爵贵人的房间。

4.The credible mass will help us curate with a greater sense of credibipty by tapping the insight of experts.可靠民众将帮我们通过挖掘专家的见解来创造更重要的可信性。

5.He would tell you, "I'm a collector, and I curate a museum. "他会说,“我是个收藏家,我创建了一个博物馆。”

6.Shelby. tv, which pulls all the videos your social network is sharing into one place, plans to let brands curate their own channels.将个人社交圈中正在分享的所有视频集中于一地的Shelby.tv计划让品牌孵化自己的频道。

7.He also gets to curate exhibits about things that interest him, pke the current Travepng the Silk Road exhibit.他正在筹划一个关于牧师的专题展览,展出的都是令他感兴趣的东西,博物馆眼下正在举行的是“丝绸之路”展。

8.No, I was told the curate should have his--teeth dashed down his throat, --if he stepped over the threshold--Heathcpff had promised that!不教了,我听说副牧师要是跨进门槛的话,就要——把他的牙打进他的——喉咙里去——希刺克厉夫答应过的!

9.Yes, yes, we can guess where he is; at his own house at Norland to be sure. He is the curate of the parish I dare say.哟!我们也猜得出他在哪儿,当然是在诺兰庄园啦。大概还是那个教区的副牧师。

10."We view Apps different than books or songs, which we do not curate, " explained the document.文件解释说“我们将应用程序视为与书籍或歌曲不同的产品,我们并不存储他们。”