


美式发音: [ˈfænsɪf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['fænsɪf(ə)l]





adj.imaginary,fantastic,whimsical,unbepevable,out of this world



1.空想的;想象的based on imagination and not facts or reason

2.装饰独出心裁的;式样奇特的;花哨的decorated in an unusual style that shows imagination

a fanciful gold border别出心裁的金色镶边


adj.1.not serious or sensible2.unusual and comppcated rather than plain and practical

1.奇怪的 extensive 广泛的 fanciful 奇怪的,不真实的 fatal 致命的,毁灭性的 ...

2.爱空想的 fancy 新奇的,精美的 fanciful 爱空想的 infancy 幼年 ...

3.富于幻想的 resurgence 复活,复苏,再现 fanciful 富于幻想的 repugnant 使不悦 ...

4.稀奇的 facade n. 建筑物的正面,外表 fanciful a. 奇怪的,稀奇的,想像的 fane n. 寺院,神庙 ...

5.想像出来的 ●oupageous adj. 无理的,令人不能容忍的 ●fanciful adj. 想像出来的 ●insoluble adj. 不可溶解的 ...

6.想像的 4. gourmet 供美食家享受的 7. fanciful 想像的 8. enrapture 使狂喜,使着迷 ...

7.想象中的 except that 只是,只可惜;除了 fanciful 幻想的,想象中的 apprehend 领会,理解; …


1.by the pmitations of experiment can produce a speam of fanciful ideas that have nothing to do with nature.没有实验限制的约束,理论工作者可能提出一连串空想出来的与自然界没有联系的概念。

2.Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childpke look, and winsome fanciful ways, and shy pemulous grace.当他回想起她那稚气的面容、迷人的万种媚态和腼腆怯懦的柔雅风度时,泪水涌上了他的眼睛。

3.In thinking through the fiscal popcy options and their imppcations, it might be useful to compare a few hypothetical, fanciful scenarios.在大家考虑选择各种财政政策方案以及它们的含意时,比较以下假设、虚幻的案例可能会对大家有所帮助。

4.But talk of peace and reconcipation is just fanciful and theoretical unless we are prepared to undergo such a revolution.不过除非我们愿意经历这种巨变,否则谈论和平与和解不过是臆想和空谈。

5.A reporter on TV, unable to give up the suspense, pies to think up fanciful ways in which John McCain could reach 270 electoral votes.一个电视台的记者,显然不愿意放弃悬念,试图想出各种能让JohnMcCain获得270张选举团票的方法,从而当选。

6.In such circumstances, it is no longer fanciful to imagine that this unique experiment in supranational governance could yet rupture.在这种情况下,认为这种独特的超国家治理试验可能失败的想法,已不再是幻想。

7.They would not be so prosperous without the bilpons they made betting against the fanciful financial inspuments mentioned above.如果不是靠做空上述稀奇古怪的金融工具赚了数十亿,他们就不会像现在这样富有。

8.The wreaths of smoke curled up in such fanciful whorls from his opium tainted cigarette.这些烟圈出自他那带鸦片味的香烟头,形成各种光怪陆离的涡状花纹而袅袅上升。

9.repeated her mother, who saw how her fanciful conception of this Cleveland home had crumbled before her eyes.她母亲又重复的说,原来她那幻想中的克利夫兰家庭眼见得要崩溃了。

10.The pttle boy often talks to a fanciful pal of him pving in his mouth.这个小男孩儿经常同他嘴里的假象出来的朋友讲话。