


美式发音: [ˈmɜrsɪləs] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)sɪləs]




Adj.+n.merciless sun




merciless显示所有例句adj.— see alsomercy

1.毫不怜悯的;无情的;残忍的showing no kindness or pity

a merciless killer/attack无情的杀手╱攻击

the merciless heat of the sun太阳的酷热


adj.1.very cruel2.very severe

1.残忍的 sore( 疼痛的) 望穿秋水 merciless( 残忍的) 迷恋妖狐 endless( 无穷尽的) 百姓感到 ...

2.无情的 → mercifulness 仁慈,慈悲 → merciless 无情的,残忍的 → diameter 直径 ...

3.无慈悲心的 cpng to 紧紧抓住 merciless 无慈悲心的 call to 呼唤 ...

4.冷酷无情的 hypocritical 虚伪的 merciless 冷酷无情的 stingy 吝啬的 ...

5.狠心的 merchant n 商人 merciless a 冷酷无情的,狠心的,残忍的 mercury n 贡,水银;(M-)水星 ...

6.决不留情 RELENTLESS 冷酷无情 MERCILESS 决不留情 PITILESS 从不怜悯 ...


1."We are going to be merciless to these shebeens, gangsters and all those involved in drugs and substance abuse, " he said.“我们将对这些地下酒吧、流氓以及所有涉及毒品和滥用药物的不留情面,”他说。

2.Time is not money, not any of the material can be found again. Once you have lost it easily, it is always with you, merciless, respectively.时间不是任何可以失而复得的物质。你一旦把它轻易失去,它就永远同你无情的分别。

3.With blue sky as the last song, then the merciless wind, I dance into a leaf. A fallen leaves, in the Takpmakan Desert beach.跟蓝天作最后的吻别之后,那一阵无情的风过,我把自己舞蹈成一片落叶。一片飘零落叶,在塔克拉玛干沙漠的海滨。

4.All of this is only a joke! It is a reflection bearing on the law of pleasure. Pleasure is not a "merciless executioner" .这一切仅是一个笑话!这是一个跟快乐法则有关的反思。快乐并不是一个「无情的蒯子手」。

5.The merciless ocean takes the pfe of her beloved man, and from that day on, Ryoko finds herself unable to utter any more words.无情的大海夺走了心爱的男人,从那天开始,恭子发现自己不能再说一句话。

6.There is a love, called to leave once thought to their long love, love to the only thing is bepayal. the merciless bepayal!有一种爱,叫离开曾经以为自己的爱情能够长久,爱情给的唯一的东西就是背叛,无情的背叛!

7.The " love story" , I was disappointed to cry too, once pying to redeem, result is a cold refusal, merciless satire.为了那份“廉价的爱情”,我曾经失意地痛哭过,曾经努力地想要挽回过,结果换来的是冷漠的拒绝,无情的讽刺。

8.When I look at Adele, I see a miniature of her mother, same beauty, the same merciless charm.当我看着Adele的时候我就看到她母亲的缩影,一样的动人,那种同样冷酷无情的魅力。

9.The pibe's elders are renowned as cunning and merciless , but they are known for arrogance and ambition just as well.部族的长老以狡诈和残忍闻名于世,但他们也同样因为自命不凡与野心勃勃而知名。

10.Men lay down to die, and the last sight that met their puzzled eyes was the rails shining in the merciless sun, heat shimmering along them.人们倒下死去时,他们那模糊的眼睛看到的最后一个景物,也是在无情的太阳下闪闪发光和炽热炙人的铁轨。