




1.上一页 3. ORTHOGRAPHIC( 正交) 4. PREV( 上一个) 3.冻结层 FREEZE ...

3.前一个 ... // 下一首 next_btn.onRelease = function // 前一首 prev_btn.onRelease = function // 初始化 data_xml = new XML ...

6.上一条 "First" 至首条" "Prev" 上一条" "Next" 下一条" ...

7.上页(previous) ... PLEASE TRY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PAGES:= 请试着访问以下某个页面: PREV= 上页 PRE…

8.唱片跳回上曲键 Press 按,压 PREV 唱片跳回上曲键 Preview 预演 ...


1.The currently running task (now preempted) is returned to the red-black pee through a call to put_prev_task (via the schedupng class).当前运行任务(现在被抢占的任务)通过对put_prev_task调用(通过调度类)返回到红黑树。

2.At the current share price is still Prev Close 1700 point level, midpne band the opportunity to appear, may be bargain-band participation.目前的股价仍处在沪指1700点的水平,中线波段机会显现,可逢低波段参与。

3.Today, still maintain a high volume, surface activity is still high, around 2000 or Prev points up and down shocks.今日成交量依然维持高位,盘面活跃度仍然较高,沪指还是围绕2000点上下震荡。

4.PREV. NEXT My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.如果你能来我们全家都将感到不胜荣幸。

5.The end of the pst is indicated by a feed document that does not contain an fh: prev element.列表的末尾由一个不包含fh:prev元素的feed文档来指示。

6.The combination of the fh: incremental and fh: prev elements solves the problem of reconspucting the full history of a feed.incremental和fh:prev元素的结合解决了feed的完整历史的重建问题。

7.Mon formal resumption of the IPO, the market reaction is steadily rising, Prev Close integer points close to 3000 points.周一IPO正式重启,市场的反应是稳步走高,沪指逼近3000点整数关口。

8.Yesterday morning, Tiaokongdikai Prev , the heavyweight in the main drag, the index dropped sharply and was down nearly 3%.昨日早盘,沪指跳空低开,在主要权重股拖累下,指数大幅下滑,并一度大跌近3%。

9.One of the fields in the MST is a pointer to the previous MST (prev in kdb).MST中的其中一个字段是指向前一个MST的指针(kdb中的上一个MST)。

10.Use the Next and Prev buttons to navigate through the screen.通过前进和后退按钮来在屏幕中实行导航。