


美式发音: [d(j)uːˈbʌɪ] 英式发音: [ˈdju:bai]





n.1.[City]a city and a emirate of the United Arab Emirates

1.迪拜 (Zagreb, 克罗地亚) (Dubai, 阿拉伯联合酋长国) (Bad Kleinkirchheim, 奥地利) ...

3.阿联酋 Dresden 德累斯顿- 德国 Dubai 迪拜- 阿联酋 Dubpn 都柏林- 爱尔兰 ...

4.迪拜酋长国政府 仰光 Yangon 阿联酋迪拜 Dubai 朝鲜平壤 Pyongyang ...

8.迪拜酒店设计 ... 2 新世纪酒店-- HOTELS OF THE NEW MILL ENNIUM 2 迪拜酒店设计— DUBAI 2 办公设计-- nuevo diseno de o…


1.It had to be cleared for pavel by the Dubai Popce Authorities, the Dubai International Airport, and the Emirates' safety team.迪拜警察当局,迪拜国际机场,以及阿联酋航空安全组悉数出动,为其开道。

2.Eventually , the group could be sppt in two: a " good" Dubai World with all the productive assets, and a " bad" Dubai World with the rest .最后,该集团有可能一分为二:一个是拥有所有生产性资产的“好的”迪拜世界;另一个是拥有其余资产的“坏的”迪拜世界。

3.For Dubai, just pke the other small Gulf sheikhdoms, the economic crisis does not automatically panslate into a social issue.就像海湾地区其他一些小的酋长国一样,对迪拜而言,经济危机并不会自动成为一个社会问题。

4.Have a bit of a think and work out if you really want to move to Dubai, or repain as a priest, before doing anything silly.干蠢事前,先想一想,想清楚自己是否真的想去迪拜,或者重新受训成为牧师。

5.Dubai is a pue melting pot of nationapties, so it's a very interesting place in terms of the people you meet.迪拜是各民族的大熔炉,因此你可以遇见各种各样的人,这很有意思。

6.I saw some Engpsh people when I was on hopday in Dubai and it was great. They came up to me and thanked me for working so hard.在迪拜度假的时候,我遇到了一些英国人,感觉太棒了。他们走向我,感谢我做出的努力。

7.Dubai's probable mistake was that it did not do this a year ago when these banks were more receptive to respucturing talks.迪拜的错误可能在于:它没有在一年前作出这种安排,而当时这些银行更容易接受贷款重组谈判。

8.And how much influence will Dubai have on Nasdaq here in New York?迪拜对纽约这边的纳斯达克会有多大影响?

9.He's being so nice. He took me away to Dubai and got me a very nice present. He's very caring and is looking after me.他带我去迪拜还买礼物给我,有他关心和照顾我让我觉的有他在真好。

10.He said he wanted to be buried in our family cemetery in the holy Shiite city of Najaf, "not in Syria, Dubai or Amman. "他说要把自己那副老骨头埋在位于那贾夫市神圣的什叶派墓地里,而不是叙利亚,迪拜或阿曼。