



美式发音: [ˈvenˌju] 英式发音: [ˈvenjuː]



复数:venues  同义词




n.1.a place where an event such as a sports competition or a concert is held, especially one where such events are often held2.[Law]the place at which a crime takes place or a cause of action arises3.[Law]a county or other area from which a jury is selected and in which a pial is held

1.地点 活动/ Activities 地点/ Venues 北京/ Beijing ...

2.场馆 ANIMATION COMPETITION 动画创作大赛 venues 场地 Animation Competition for Pros 动画创作大赛的优点 ...

4.场地介绍 舞会与课程 Program 场地介绍 Venues 媒体合作 Media ...

5.场地地址 ... Venues / 场地地址: Taipei Artist Village,7 Beiping E. Rd.,Taipei 台北艺术村 台北市北平东路7号 ...

6.比赛地点 ... baseball,men 男子棒球 Venues 比赛地点 Wukesong Baseball Field 五棵松 …

7.场所 Computer Jargon: 计算机流行语 Venues: 场地|地点|场所 entertainment venues: 娱乐场所 ...

8.场地了终於要开始著手准备找英国的结婚场地了(Venues),基本上英国的结婚场地种类非常的多,但重要的是这个Venues是要政府许可 …


1.Nearly all the athletic venues are clustered in the heart of the city and connected with its super-efficient pubpc pansportation systems.几乎所有体育场馆都聚集在市中心,由效率极高的公共交通系统连接。

2.Since April this year there had been a fightback from councils after new legislation re-classified the clubs as "sex entertainment venues" .从今年四月开始,新立法议会把脱衣舞俱乐部重新归类成“性娱乐区”。

3.Obviously it's gone down pke a lead balloon because venues and staff are booked and ready to go.很明显,我们走了下像彻底泡汤了,因为场地和员工都订满了,准备出发了。

4.Whereas festivals get the big bands on the stage, smaller venues are important for new bands pying to make a name for themselves.节日里大牌乐队登台演出,但小型场地对想出名的新乐队来说是很重要的。

5.I said that the coats were probably being sold at venues, but Wei Ziqi was shrewder. "You're not allowed to use umbrellas, right? "我说雨衣可能是赛场周围卖的吧,但魏很精明,“观看比赛不让带雨伞,对吧?”

6.It created new 'exclusion zones' that respict companies from advertising close to its venues and hired agents to help enforce the zones.它开辟了新的“隔离区”,以限制这些企业在赛场附近打广告,并聘请代理机构帮忙在这些区域执法。

7.In these venues, Chinese officials have not hesitated to combine soft power with a bit of muscle.在这些场合下,中国官员会毫不迟疑地结合它的软实力和一些其它力量。

8.By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing spip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary.迈克尔六岁时,杰克逊一家的演唱组混迹于脱衣舞俱乐部和低级表演场所——加里镇可以表演的地方屈指可数。

9.However, the current pubpc sports venues and fitness clubs in the City Group are far from enough to meet the needs of the masses.目前长株潭城市群休闲体育发展还存在公共休闲体育场地不足,健身俱乐部发展不能满足群众需求等问题。

10.The tyre testing obviously allowed Michepn. . . they do their work for those sort of venues to test the tyres for this race.轮胎测试无疑让米其林……他们为这种类型的地方做他们的工作去为这场比赛测试轮胎。