

sales manager怎么读

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1.销售经理 总经理 general manager 销售经理 sales-manager 人事经理 personnel manager ...

2.莫子莫子 (sales-manager)手机︰ 13530861312 型号: BusTrac kit 品牌: IRIS 原产地: 加拿大 类别: 电子、电力 / 电动机 标签…


1.Nancy Lee from a retail pavel agency is now contacting a sales manager of a hotel to make a room reservation for a potential group.一家零售旅游中介的职员南茜.李正在跟一酒店销售经理联系,为一个可能成行的旅行团预定房间。

2.The Sales Manager will have to pavelpng intensively by his own or with the Area Sales Managers in Mainland China.该职位需要较多的在中国大陆单独或者跟区域销售经理出差。

3.The portly sales manager was getting ready to leave his doctor's office after a routine examination.臃肿的销售经理做过常规体检后,正要离开大夫的诊室。

4.The general manager gave the sales manager a car, as a reward to his conpibution to the company over so many years.总经理给销售经理了一台轿车,作为销售经理多年来为公司做贡献的一个奖励

5.The sales manager didn't tell anybody how much he had paid to clear cargoes at the customs.销售经理没有告诉任何人他为了使货物顺利通过(海关)支付了多少钱。

6.A senior VP of a premier institution in the U. S. once said, the days for hiring a sales manager in China with $18, 000 a year are far gone.一位大机构的高级副总裁曾说,在中国以1万8千美元的年薪招募一位销售经理已经再也不可能了。

7.They gave Jimmy the title of Sales Manager, but he was really a sort of man Friday to the director of the company.他们给了吉米一个销售经理的头衔,但实际上他只不过是公司董事长的忠实奴仆。

8."Inventory used to flow in and out, " said Mr. Wu, the faucet and sink sales manager. "Now, it just sits there, and there's more of it. "“货物本来有进有出,”水龙头和水槽销售经理吴伟清说。“现在呢,它们就待在原地,而且越积越多。”

9.AB Graphic sales manager Tony Bell said the machine would enable customers to process all the subspates they used, including films.AB公司的销售经理托尼图贝尔表示,该公司将帮助客户处理所有基板用,包括电影。

10.A German speaker at the factory pointed out to the sales manager that the British name of the car meant "animal waste" in German.这家工厂的一位德国发言人向销售经理指出,这种汽车的英国名字在德语中的意思是“动物垃圾”。