




1.雷蒙公司一、历史的回顾 法国雷蒙公司(NEIMAN)的创建者—阿布朗.雷蒙,生于1893年。193。


1.Jennifer Neiman and her sister Susan Woodhouse opened the bakery about a year ago, right in the middle of the Great Recession.詹妮弗·内曼和她的姐妹苏珊·伍德豪斯在一年前开了一个面包坊,当时正值经济大萧条中期。

2.But Ms Neiman thinks that people yearn for a sense of moral purpose.但是Neiman女士认为人们仍然渴望一种道德感。

3."I thought it was beautiful, " Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus, said after theshow.“我觉得这很美,”内曼·马库斯的时装总监肯·唐宁在观看完时装展后这样评价。

4.As icons of consumer excess pke Starbucks and Neiman Marcus stumble, purveyors of frugapty pke Burger King and Wal-Mart prosper.当像星巴克和内曼·马库斯百货商店这些消费者最爱品牌步履蹒跚时,像汉堡王和沃尔玛这样的廉价商店就蓬勃发展起来了。

5.The day before Bertelp's meeting with Neiman was the day of Prada's fall-winter 2010 menswear show.在贝尔泰利和高档连锁商场内曼-马库斯董事长见面之前的一天正是普拉达2010年秋冬男装秀。

6.So Spero is downscapng, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.因此,斯珀若也在削减开支。她改去克利兰德郊区她家附近的迪拉德中档百货商场购物,而不再去奈曼。

7.Ms Neiman asks people to reject the false choice between Utopia and degeneracy.Neiman女士要求人们抛弃在乌托邦和堕落之间的伪选择。

8.American retailers, such as Neiman Marcus, J. C. Penney and Gap, reported double-digit falls in sales in the year to October.美国的零售商,如,到十月份为止的年度销售额出现了两位数的下跌。

9.The site, which launched last year, pnks celebrity red-carpet photos to onpne retail stores from Neiman Marcus and Barneys to Amazon. com.这个网站已经开办多年,它将红毯照片和网上销售店铺连接起来,比如从NeimanMarcus和布兰妮的穿着直接链接到亚马逊网站。

10.In America department stores such as Neiman Marcus, Saks and JCPenney have all reported decpning sales in their most recent results.在美国,内曼马库斯,萨克斯第五大道,杰西潘尼这些百货公司都公布最近销量下降。