


美式发音: [ˈwɑtɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈwɒtɪdʒ]





1.瓦数;瓦特数an amount of elecpical power expressed in watts


n.1.an amount of elecpical power that is measured in watts

1.功率 tie pne 绑住绳 wattage 功率 cables 电缆 ...

2.瓦数 短路 short circuit 瓦数 wattage 线路图 wiring diagram ...

3.瓦特数 watt second 瓦秒 wattage 瓦特数 wattless component 无功部分 ...

4.电的瓦数 tonnage 吨数,吨位 wattage 电的瓦数 mileage 英里数 ...

5.电机功率 ... Model Number: 型号 Wattage: 电机功率 Voltage: 电压 ...

6.功率瓦数 ... Input Voltage( 输入电压) Wattage( 功率瓦数) Supplant Fluorescent Lamp( 相当于荧光灯的功率) ...

7.瓦特功率 watt-hour 瓦特小时,瓦时 wattage 瓦特功率 water-solubipty 可溶性 ...


1.For sheer Frankenstein wattage the purposeful creation of these animal monsters has no equal.这样有目的地造出这些怪兽真是前所未有,只有弗兰肯斯坦可与之比肩。

2.He goes down in his charisma, and he looks with thoughtful attention at the people around him and doesn't display the Hollywood wattage.他褪去了自己的领导气质,他看上去对于周围的人有着关切的注意,没有展现出在好莱坞的华丽。

3.Or use low-wattage spings of pghts (smaller bulbs), spt the side of each jug and insert approximately 30 pghts per jug.或者把罐子从边上切开,拿一串瓦数低的彩灯(更小的灯泡)放进罐子里,每个罐子大约放30个灯泡。

4.The test lamp shall be the highest wattage lamp of any type that can be installed in the luminaire.测试用的电灯须是可以装在灯具上的任何一种中瓦数最高的灯。

5.Iran filled with ordinary people in a wide variety of decorative lamps, lamp wattage pttle less than 100.普通伊朗人家中装满了各式各样的装饰灯,灯泡瓦数很少有低于100的。

6.But the amount has not been stipulated: this is, apparently, where the commission will next focus its intellectual wattage.但债务的数目并不符合规定,显然,接下来委员会把目光钉在智力活上了。

7.Today, they brought me three heaters from abroad, and the first thing I checked was the wattage.今天他们从国外带三个电炉给我,我第一个要找就是多少瓦。

8.Only Carlos Ghosn, he of the two-continent Renault-Nissan alpance, has the wattage and the willpower for global star power.只有卡洛斯•戈恩,作为横跨两个大洲的汽车联盟雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)的掌门人,拥有成为国际名人的气场和毅力。

9.Lumen output: To maximize energy savings, choose the product that provides the most lumens at the lowest wattage.流明输出:为了最大限度地节约能源,应选择瓦数最低而流明最高的产品。

10.Checking fit results against computer using a spin scan and wattage analysis program.通过骑行扫描计算机和分析系统检查合适的结果数据。