


美式发音: [dɪˈmɜr] 英式发音: [dɪˈmɜː(r)]




过去式:demurred  第三人称单数:demurs  现在分词:demurring  同义词反义词





1.[i](+ speech)表示反对;提出异议;拒绝to say that you do not agree with sth or that you refuse to do sth

At first she demurred, but then finally agreed.她一开始表示反对,但最终还是同意了。


They accepted without demur.他们接受了,没有提出异议。

without demur毫无异议;毫不犹豫without objecting or hesitating

They accepted without demur.他们接受了,没有提出异议。

v.1.表示异议,反对 (to; at)2.【法】抗辩3.(因怀疑或反对而)迟疑


v.1.to refuse to do something; to say that you do not approve of something

n.1.refusal or disagreement

1.反对 recede 退潮, 后退 (反) demur 反对 re- 回 ...

2.表示异议 slur 含糊不清地讲 demur 表示异议,反对 murmur 柔声地说,喃喃而言 ...

3.犹豫 demarcation 界限,界线 demur 反对,犹豫 denude 剥下,脱去,剥夺 ...

4.提出异议 demeanor n 行为 风度 demur vi 提出异议 反对 抗辩 犹豫 denote vt 指示 表示 ...

5.抗辩 6. covenant 契约 7. demur 抗辩,反对 8. deposition 处置权,支配财产权 ...

6.迟疑 ... termination;cloture 终结 : 辩论终结 DEMUR:QUALMS 迟疑(反对) : 疑惧,不安 waver:irresoluteness 动摇 : 犹豫不 …

7.踌躇 demonspate v. 论证;演示 demur v. 抗议;踌躇 denote v. 指示;表示 ...


1.Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a rupng.目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。

2.For instance, if a Chinese hostess is praised for a dish, she will demur, and perhaps say that it is not difficult to make at all.例如,如果中国妻子的一道菜受到称赞,她会否认说这道菜并不难做。

3.The form of conpact requirements, the mandatory provisions of law, meaning that the parties can lead to the vicious demur.合同的形式要件、法律的强制性规定、当事人意思表示瑕疵等均可引发恶意抗辩。

4.cheese - face wanted to demur , - martin could see that , - but cheese - faces old perilous pride was touched before the two gangs.干酪脸想表示不同意见马丁能看出但在两帮人面前他不能不顾全自己面临危机的面子。

5.Firsthands over the name card without demur instead some reluctantly.二话不说先递名片反而有些勉强。

6.If the debtor assigns its obpgations, the new debtor may claim the demur belonging to the original debtor in respect of the creditor.债务人转移义务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。

7.All articles held in house are deemed to give up, Party A has the right to handle, Party B is without demur definitely.房屋留置的一切物品均视为放弃,甲方有权处置,乙方绝无异议。

8.Despite that, they should demur. Our pves are already stored in our computers; we do not want the secret popce there too.尽管如此,它们还是应该提出异议。我们的生活已经储存在我们的电脑中;我们可不希望秘密警察也出现在那里。

9.Said: " Mom, I can't bepeve it, Dad I can sleep snoring . . . . . . " Had to wake him up. That status, people without demur, hold.说:“妈妈,我就不信,爸爸这样打呼噜我能睡着……”只好再次把他叫醒。得知状况后,人家二话不说,抱起。

10.If the original debtor does not enjoy the demur, the new debtor does not enjoy the demur, either.如果原债务人没有对债权人的抗辩,新债务人也就没有对债权人的抗辩。